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Everything posted by FM_Jarnis

  1. It is a complex issue and nothing has been decided on that yet, but obviously we are aware that it is a key aspect that has to make sense...
  2. Indeed. You may also probably do some 1+1 math and figure out what would be required from a benchmark to do so, across all that hardware space... can't go into all the tech details yet (mostly because all of that isn't yet set in stone, heck a lot about Windows 8 isn't set in stone yet), but it won't be a "3DMark 11 Second Edition" - it will be a complete new benchmark.
  3. Just a FYI... http://www.futuremark.com/pressroom/pressreleases/60054/ Not much yet, but "it's coming". Key bits off the PR: Edit: Oh, and there is one concept art image (*not* a screen capture)... http://www.futuremark.com/images/products/3DMarkWindows8_ConceptArt.jpg
  4. We have deployed a new update to 3DMark.com which allows the approval of new ATI/AMD Catalyst drivers for 3DMark 11. 3DMark.com can now verify new benchmark submits for the Tessellation Control settings used. All submits that have been run with SystemInfo 4.2 (or later) and with default Tessellation Control settings ("AMD Optimized"), without touching any of the tessellation controls should now show as approved. Old submits (prior to SystemInfo 4.2) unfortunately cannot be verified, so while they may stop complaining about unapproved drivers, they are still flagged with a problem. There are now two new possible error messages in 3DMark.com for 3DMark 11 submits with ATI/AMD hardware. Quoting from the FAQ: Catalyst 11.9 drivers are now approved for 3DMark 06, 3DMark Vantage and 3DMark 11. Also all previous Catalyst versions between 11.1 and 11.8 that were approved for 06 and Vantage are now approved for 3DMark 11 as well. If you have any issues related to this update or ATI/AMD driver approval, please let us know. Happy benchmarking.
  5. This is normal. Bullet library was updated between patches and the scores of the Physics and Combined tests changed slightly. What you are seeing is exactly this. The difference was considered small enough so that we did not invalidate results from older versions but for any contests etc. there should always be a rule to use the latest available version at the start of the competition or this kind of issue may crop up...
  6. It can be done in the registry. The control panel has some limitations but if you just change the relevant keys in the registry, poof, whole tessellation load gone.
  7. If this is, in your opinion, a feature that should be there, we can look into adding it. It won't be instant but we plan to release a patch to 3DMark 11 this year. You will see it there before the drivers are approved. The whole point is that, from FM's point of view, only the result page on 3dmark.com is the "official" result and whatever is shown in benchmark UI is a preliminary score that still needs to be validated by the online service. You have to understand that there are several known ways to cheat with the score already that would alter the score in the UI but would be rejected on 3dmark.com as the benchmark does no analysis to the score data or the data gathered by SI - it just packages them, displays the score and then prepares for upload to 3dmark.com. No. If we add something to the benchmark UI, it would be a separate additional note as to the tessellation settings used for the run. Most likely it would say "AMD default tessellation settings" vs. "x x x settings" depending if they were changed or not (and the whole line would not be there on NVIDIA cards, at least until they add something like this to their drivers). The actual score with E/P/X would still be same.
  8. Even if they would, we would probably do the same thing. What is the point of benchmarking DX11 cards for doing major DX11 features (Tessellation) if drivers can silently remove a major feature workload ("disable tessellation"). The score from such a run would be pointless for figuring out the DX11 performance of the hardware. Unless you plan on playing every DX11 game with Tessellation Off as well?
  9. I'm not saying we are doing anything with LOD tweaking yet. I'm just saying we are open to the idea if OC community thinks that detecting it would be useful. Tessellation thing has to be done - without it, AMD runs could be done with major benchmark components completely disabled and with completely different looking image. That just isn't right and that is why no AMD driver since the addition of tessellation controls have been approved. Our goal is always that all hardware run the exact same work, preferably rendering exactly identical images and then the benchmark tells you which piece of hardware is best at doing it. Changing the rules by changing the workload makes any comparisons flawed.
  10. Trust me, there is no bias. Both AMD and NVIDIA hate us equally Edit: Well, one week one of them hates us more, the next week its the other. Depends a bit on what piece of hardware they are shipping at the time and how it performs. Meanwhile FM just measures the performance and reports the gory details, always striving for unbiased benchmarks.
  11. If this is something that you would want, it can be considered as something that could be added in the next patch for 3DMark 11. We are planning on releasing another patch for 3DMark 11 this year (since we have to bundle 4.2 SI with the benchmark, might as well do some other fixes). So whatever SI reads from AMD settings could possibly be displayed in the benchmark UI. Would this be useful? (In our view, the online service page is the "real" result, validated - whatever is shown on the benchmark UI could be fake/photoshop/whatever anyway, so it isn't something we thought would be a big deal)
  12. AMD Optimized, according to our tests, does application detection before changing anything. With 3DMark 11, "AMD Optimized" does not change the score or the workload in any way. AMD Optimized reduces tessellation only in specific games AMD thinks are "unfair" (and Green Team sponsored), and does it in ways that AMD thinks doesn't reduce image quality, just improve performance. If this mode would detect 3DMark 11 and reduce tessellation, it would immediately run afoul of the driver approval policy which says that drivers cannot specifically detect 3dmark executable and change anything based on that (with the exception of SLI/Crossfire mode selection ONLY) and AMD drivers would all be binned as "no good" until they'd change it. But the situation is that, as run with default settings, AMD drivers produce fine scores. The only issue is that until SI 4.2, we could not tell if those driver settings were used to alter the workload or not, so the only solution was to reject all drivers until this could be detected. The goal here is to ensure that the benchmark runs exact same workload on Green and Other Green team hardware. LOD tweaking is different in that, as I understand it, it is possible on both AMD and Nvidia hardware. However, once this is in place, I guess adding a check for that too would not be too complex (would you want it to be there?)
  13. Confirming this. SystemInfo 4.2 can tell if you are "cheating" with tessellation controls in 3DMark 11. We are still working on the 3dmark.com result page side of this - it may be possible to include the details on the settings used on the result page (SystemInfo 4.2 reads and saves the settings that AMD drivers use and they are included in submits as of, well, now). Feedback on that is more than welcome as to what exactly you would want the result page to show. All that is certain at this point is that it will show that the result is not valid (similar to GPU PhysX + Vantage) if tessellation loads have been reduced with driver settings. I don't have a date yet for when 3dmark.com results page will be updated and when AMD driver approval is completed but it is coming soon ("a few weeks" is a good educated guess). At the moment we are at the stage where we are collecting data and testing the backend code so we can reliably say which results conform to the driver approval policy and which don't. Sorry that this has taken us so long to implement but it was a fairly large addition to SystemInfo capabilities and it kinda dropped on top of all other scheduled work (annoying the makers of those schedules and plans greatly). The wheels of software development sometimes turn slowly, but they do turn... To emphasise: You cannot (yet) get to HoF / get approved driver results with AMD drivers later than 11.1 or thereabouts, but any results that you submit after installing 4.2 SystemInfo with the current AMD drivers should turn into valid, approved results when the work related to this is complete and pushed live (assumption: you do not touch the tessellation controls)
  14. Not yet. It is a much larger operation to (re)build benchmark installers, including the relevant QA. We will eventually release repackaged installers of all supported benchmarks but it is most likely that those will wait until a few fixes are ready & tested for the benchmarks themselves. Probable timeframe 1-3 months. Until then, you have to download the installer and then separately install the latest SI. Or the other way around. The older SI that is in the benchmark installer won't overwrite 4.2 if you already have it installed. Another way to install SI 4.2 is to just run Game-o-Meter once - it will update SystemInfo to 4.2 if it is not present or up-to-date.
  15. AFAIK that was caused by SystemInfo 4.0 which had some issues. 4.2 should fix those. http://www.3dmark.com/support/systeminfo-updates/ Download latest Vantage, install SI 4.2 update and it should work.
  16. SystemInfo changelog (and latest standalone update) is always here: http://www.3dmark.com/support/systeminfo-updates/ (4.2 just went live, we'll post the changelog for it later today)
  17. Yes. There may be some very small variance due to the fact that the new build is recompiled with newer complier and libraries, but it was deemed to be within margin of error and there was no reason to invalidate the vast amount of existing scores. The difference should be around 1-2%.
  18. 3DMark Vantage version 1.1.0 - Trial Edition discontinued - Basic Edition now free, was previously $6.95 - Added display scaling to all presets: benchmark now scales the output to best fit the display - GPU physics acceleration is now disabled by default during the CPU tests - Systeminfo component updated to version 4.0 Mirrors are getting files online over the next few hours. Official pages won't update until tomorrow, so consider this as an early heads-up. There will also be a discount for existing Basic Edition owners to upgrade to Advanced for $5.
  19. Just an early heads up, the work is complete and 3DMark03 and 05 benchmarks are again fully supported by 3dmark.com (new submits) Old results are in progress of being transferred and converted. This is expected to take until sometime next week. Don't panic if yours is not there yet - they will appear. Related to this, there is also a process of converting old 06/Vantage/11 scores to a new (internal) format - existing old scores are still viewable, but may lack some detailed information until the process is complete. Again, this is expected to take until sometime next week (millions and millions of benchmark results take some time to process). Let us know if you have any issues with 03 or 05. We'll make an official announcement of this next week but I thought you guys would like to know as soon as the code was live.
  20. Not that I know of. I think it wasn't seen as needed because no matter what the 3DMark 2001SE detection code gets, the benchmark runs ignoring all that completely. It would only affect submits (no longer supported) and viewing of detailed results. Patch probability = 0%. Sorry.
  21. My guess: "too new" hardware totally confusing the ancient hardware detection routines of 3DMark 2001...
  22. Further SystemInfo stand-alone update is available http://www.futuremark.com/download/files/Futuremark_SystemInfo_v36111_installer.exe This will be rolled into benchmark patches soon but we made it available as stand-alone hotfix. Should fix any remaining hardware detection issues, including the infamous "broken water" in 3DMark Vantage with SLI.
  23. Just FYI, 3DMark 11 patch v1.01 is now available. http://www.futuremark.com/download/3dmark11/update/3DMark_11_v100_to_v101_updater.exe 3DMark 11 version 1.01 release notes All Editions * Fixed an issue with SystemInfo that prevented the Physics and Combined tests from running. * Fixed an issue that could cause a crash if the DirectX 11 API or .NET was not available. * Fixed an issue that could cause a crash if the number of system GPUs was unknown. * Letterboxing and scaling now works with wide displays. * The benchmark UI is now minimized during the benchmark run. * Improved result security when submitting to 3dmark.com. * Added automatic update notification. * Updated SystemInfo component to version Advanced and Professional Edition only * Added option for manual GPU Count selection to the Advanced tab. * Added Scaling Mode selection to the Advanced tab, choose from centred or stretched. * Results tab now shows the individual scores for each of the six tests. <- as requested by HWBot community and others Professional Edition only * Demo audio now works when running from the command line. * Image Quality tool now handles unexpected parameters correctly. * Image Quality tool now works correctly with the reference rasterizer option.
  24. We'll fix the minor parts. Give us a bit to sort it all out...
  25. We'll fix the sub-score display offline on advanced edition. Just wait for the patch.
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