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Everything posted by Vaykir

  1. found the mistake: 100,3*77 = 7723,1 muhahaha just kidding^^
  2. made my day! And biggest thanks to msi for this absolutly amasing fast delivery from taiwa to germany! i look forward to the next competition of this kind.
  3. http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=21948 and my package from taiwan arrived today
  4. nickolaos and shrekogre got 2 keys for 3dmark11? maybe they share one...
  5. sorry 14 (forgot g10^^). there were only 2 in stage 2 who hit exactly 1111.11. the others had 1111.109 or less.
  6. Summary of AMD 'Eyes On The Prize' Target Challenge Overclockers who hit target in ... ... stage 1: * Nickolaos (Hellas Overclocking Team) * Shrekogre (Team Merlion) * zoro (Hellas Overclocking Team) * johnamd (chios overclockers.gr) * Drucchi (O.T.H Overclock Team Holland ) * BigTerminator (OC Forums) * Jounde (Team Finland) * Vaykir (PC Games Hardware) * LapinouX (no team) * Bullus (HighFlow.eu OC Team) * G.Foyle (XtremeSystems) ... stage 2: * g10 (Hellas Overclocking Team) * Vaykir (PC Games Hardware) ... stage 3: * Shrekogre (Team Merlion) * Vaykir (PC Games Hardware) * zoro (Hellas Overclocking Team) * louislkw (Team Merlion) * Diabolique (PCAxe) ... stage 4: * zoro (Hellas Overclocking Team) Number of "tickets" in the 6970-Lightning-pot: 3x zoro (Hellas Overclocking Team) 3x Vaykir (PC Games Hardware) 2x Shrekogre (Team Merlion) 1x Nickolaos (Hellas Overclocking Team) 1x johnamd (chios overclockers.gr) 1x Drucchi (O.T.H Overclock Team Holland ) 1x BigTerminator (OC Forums) 1x Jounde (Team Finland) 1x LapinouX (no team) 1x Bullus (HighFlow.eu OC Team) 1x G.Foyle (XtremeSystems)louislkw (Team Merlion) 1x Diabolique (PCAxe) 1x louislkw (Team Merlion) 1x g10 (Hellas Overclocking Team) 13 participants with valid scores over all. Chance to win: 3 tickets: 15,789% 2 tickets: 10,526% 1 ticket: 5,263%
  7. but u have to find out the perfect clocks for cpu, gpu and mem for example: for stage 1, 2 and 3 i had to use amd gpu clock tool, because with msi afterburner i didnt get under 600/800 clocks. i hope there will be any competition like that with cpu as well ^^
  8. I'm already looking foward to the next competition of this type.
  9. no, wie love it! i hope i will get second bulls eye after zoro... but its so fu***** hard
  10. without catalyst 11.2 or 11.1e its not possible (without LN2 of course). but it pays off
  11. here i dont underclock but overclock from 850/1200 to 1024/1300. cpu runs @ 6x 4,2 ghz HT
  12. as i said but already got 3 times 1028.986 .... and dragon age 2 will be released today. yeehaa! benching or playing da2? hard decision!
  13. catalyst 11.2 => gaming => 3d application settings => tesselation level OFF
  14. yes, its like stage 2. its submitted as 1028.99 because the page only allows 2 numbers after the dot. so we have to get 0.04 more points.
  15. we dont hit the target yet. ist must be exactly 1028.990 and not .986 but tomorrow is another day. n8 @ all
  16. u dont have to overclock but to underclock for most of the scores. isn that difficult at all, but takes some time.
  17. that varies. the first stage started @ 1 am (CET), second stage between 4 and 6 am (CET) and third stage 3pm (CET). EST is -7 hours i think.
  18. Afirmative. its about 100 points for me, too. range 13520-135620. edit: do we get an email for stage 2 like it was at stage 1 last week? would be nice to know, who did win the stage and who got the 3dmark11 keys.
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