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  1. You are right on the mark bro! Going to forget about this and move forward with the team!
  2. You Banned him already. I will not post the name here because I feel it is improper. The results still stand without any writeup. http://hwbot.org/competition/team_cup_2012 Geforce 7 series points do reflect the ban! Team points do not! Other teams should have moved up significantly as this user had a lot of the high scores. Like I said, Sweep it under the rug and hope everyone forgets about it!
  3. Not even a write up or anything on the hwbot team cup that finished in August! Sent out prizes but nothing else. Got beat in a Geforce stage by someone who cheated. My thoughts are, "be very quite, let's just sweep it all under the rug and hope everyone forgets"! Competitions have become a joke!
  4. Changes are definitely required in competitions. Most everyone agrees that these extreme delays are unacceptable. Hwbot has some very responsive moderators like yourself, why not ask them to help with the certifying of results and help produce a news release. HWBOT has a very loyal membership and fan base. Massman, if unable to complete tasks in a resonable time frame, needs to delegate some of the responsibility! This is the sign of a true leader.
  5. I think it is pretty comical that 3 weeks after a major competition ends, still no official release!
  6. Sorry for my tone! I know you have a lot on your plate!
  7. Maybe HWBOT will announce official winners before 2013! It takes longer to get results around here then it does to do the entire contests! Maybe these guys need to hire some help!
  8. I also would like to know this!
  9. It is a shame that this was not resolved several days before the end of the competition but the usage of an ES chip was definitely against the rules. AwardFabrik is an excellent team and superb sandbaggers! Lol
  10. If this is allowed, we should be able to modify the benchmarks to run as we like also! Bugged is bugged!
  11. Disallowed ram by rules1 No ES products allowed!
  12. Very Nice Score! You have a card as good as mine and better DDR3 also!
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