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Everything posted by Electroneng

  1. Congratulations Splave , Rbuass and Gnidaol! Nicely Done!
  2. I joined Overclock.net but only my new submissions has received HTPP or GTPP. http://hwbot.org/submission/2242960_electroneng_3dmark2001_se_geforce_9600_gt_97341_marks - Here is bug Here is normal: http://hwbot.org/submission/2283484_electroneng_pcmark_2005_core_i5_3570k_27544_marks My team ID needs to be set on my prior submissions. Thanks
  3. Nice Pictures. These shared scores shows it must be OK to share all hardware, settings, etc.. with teammates. Cool. P.S. Congratulations to the winners!
  4. After reading through all these posts, HWBOT needs to clarify a few things maybe on the home page. Is hardware sharing now legal? Kind of confused on this issue now!
  5. No problem! So I will slowly be removing points from each of my teammates. All you guys are going to just love that! Just remember the love!
  6. Hi Everyone, I rejoined Overclock.net a short time ago but none of my prior submissions are being linked to my team. Show's TPP total as 0. I have recalculated all scores but this has not helped! Thanks in advance!
  7. Very Nice CPU! Could not get mine over 5.2Ghz at -75c!
  8. Yeah, Just Ran this benchmark at my normal gaming settings with no additional CPU Overclock. Wanted to see how it would score. This XFX GPU will run 1150/1525 with no additional voltage! This benchmark was done at a lower setting! Going to push it for HWBOT in a couple of days! I got a good one!
  9. problem solved!
  10. Great Score HOBIECAT! I was watching you guy's today on livestream. Very nice event!
  11. Ran 21 Times using all cores or individual cores until I received an expected 900 pt bump that always occurs on benchmarks if you are patience. GPU temp at -67c. GPU Speeds were fluctuated between 855 -900 core, 1225-1275Memory
  12. I submitted 6 benches today and only the first updated on the team rankings! User points are updating but the rankings are not! Update! All rankings updated after 10 mins! No problem Here!
  13. I have said my peace on this revision. Now let's get it released!
  14. Being Part of a team makes the enjoyment so much greater as a bencher. I can deal with the REV4 system as an individual user and will be successful as such. I also will be successful in future additions to my team totals as I have invested in the necessary equipment to do so but this is not about me! I get a lot of joy out of my endeavors here and would like the sport/hobby to grow and be successful into the future. How many overclockers begin with superb hardware and Cooling? Alot of teams now will take these individuals as members and aid in there growth. The new members will be encouraged by their score additions to the team totals and be motivated to improve. How many new benchers will be motivated to continue when their point totals only count 1/10? I would not have in the beginning and I am sure I am in the majority. As I have stated, the majority of the positive replies to the new system comes from highly experienced individuals. The thoughts of hobby growth being the furthest thing from their minds. Team competition will evolve into this with this revision. All teams will become by invitation only(send us your resume and we will consider you). I know some of the top teams are this way now and that is fine but not everyone wants to be this way. The positive responders will get there wish from this! The death of the large team and the stagnation of the hobby.
  15. R4 not only punishes hardware sharing, but also legitimate similarities. New and exciting hardware (2500k, 2600k) will have a lot of benchers on a team. Why devalue scores because a team has a lot of them. Large teams will suffer greatly. Up and coming overclockers will be disillusioned because there scores are not contributing to the team so they will quit. HWBOT will become stagnate and decline with this new revision. Most of the positive responses here are from highly experienced elite overclockers. They will become more elite as new entries into team competition will become a thing of the past!
  16. I understand your point! Always try your best and most do! This new revision is what will kill the fun of it and cause a great deal of new hobby seekers. They should just eliminate all points and start everyone back at 0 with a new revision! that would make more sense then this!
  17. I am fine with the elimination of the 0.1 benches. I am not fine with the elimination of hard earned points that already have been earned. Every new piece of hardware is a challenge. Now earning 3 points with some graphics cards is harder then earning 15 points with a 8800gt but you will not be rewarded. It still depends on how many people bench with a certain piece of hardware, Why not say only 10 graphics cards and 10 cpu models allowed. Or Only 100 benches allowed from everyone of a certain item
  18. I think this is pure garbage! I have never shared hardware with any of my teammates and I am being punished! Go back and take pictures of all my submittal's, a lot of the hardware, I do not have anymore. Why not just blank the database and make everyone start back at 0!! I benched my ass off for 328 user points and 514 team points and every time at look at this crap beta, I lose points! Hell, I will be at minus 200 in a couple of hours. Nice way to kill benching!
  19. Why would I now not be ranked in the worldwide rankings? Or listed in any leaques totals?
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