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Posts posted by ObscureParadox

  1. Hey guys,


    I was looking around to try and get some CPU trays so that I could try and keep my collection in as tidy a pile as is humanly possible. This hasn't been an easy task so far and I can't seem to find them anywhere at a decent price. This isn't such a big deal for my intel CPUs with the whole LGA business, but for my AMD chips I'm constantly worried about pins getting bent if I just put them all in a draw, any help would be appreciated.



  2. There are only 52-53 weeks in a year, you know :)


    Haha, yup, I can't even copy things correctly xD


    Post updated with real weeks in the bacth numbers ;)

  3. Hi, guys, i know, this.is not marketplace, but i'm thinking about selling my 4770k. L310B488 batch, stock voltage 1.008V. Stable at 4.7 GHz with 1.285V. Didn't try more. It did SuperPi 32M on 2c/2t at 5 GHz with 1.350V. It's delidded, just few days ago. I can show some pictures later, I don't have mobo right know, I sell my PC. Can test it next week ;-)


    Nope you're right, it isn't the for sale section, please go post that stuff over there please ;)

  4. What makes you think nothing was done about it?

    It was discussed in the staff section three weeks before this public thread was made, but the Head of Moderation is looking into it again.


    I think what he means is that the results are still up when it's the most blatantly obvious case of hardware sharing going.

  5. I was thinking that a leader-board similar to the member of the month system found on each team might be good for people to see who has been the most active bencher for each week/month/year and to see where they stack up compared to others.


    What I mean is a leader-board where every single person, no matter what team they are on is on it, if they have submitted a result in that specific time frame.


    Just an idea not a problem if others don't agree or don't want to see this sort of thing.



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