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Everything posted by Morphling

  1. So... When is Maxxmem rankings are going to be fixed? Regards
  2. LOL, after all the sh*t I've wrote, a litle more wouldn't hurt RMA of course But don't forget Candyman!
  3. I have the right solution. Take the CPU off the board. Then put it near to a mirror. Than, without facing the mirror you must say "Candyman" 3 times. When the big ghost with the hook apears, you just need to hide, because he will see only the CPU facing the mirror. Then he will kill the CPU. On RMA, you report the problem as "paranormal activity" There you go. Simple and easy Or then, give it 1.85v and use in air cooled for a couple of minutes on OS. Regards
  4. OCZ was a good memory brand in the time of Athlon64 chips. They had TCCD IC's and BH-5 IC's that were the best of the best. And when something was damaged, in 2 weeks you would have something equal or better at home. From 3 years to nowdays they are simply and purely, CRAP! I had not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4, but 5 OCZ Blade 3*2GB 2000@7-8-7-19 1.65v RAM kits. Obviously they have all died From 15 dimms, only one is alive. The rest went to RMA some time ago. The result was 1 SSD's, of 60GB (I would like to remember that each 3*2GB kit was about 450$! So 1800$ in 4 kits!) and 3 brand new OCZ Blade 2000@7-8-7-19 1.65v. From what you can see, it seems perfectly reasonable BUT NOW LOOK AT THIS!!! OCZ Blade 3*2GB 2000@7-8-7-19 1.65v were known, as Corsair TRX series for having Elpida Hyper MNH-E. They could do, without any efort 7-7-6-18 2000mhz 24/7 with 1.65v. THE 3 KITS, 9 DIMMS I RECIEVED FROM THEM WERE EXACTLY THE SAME EXCEPT THE IC'S!!! They were rated 7-8-7 2000mhz with 1.65v. But they couldn't do that even with 1.75v!!! 2 Boards were tested on 1366 platform and one on 1156 and 1155!! They have just put there Elpida B die IC's! I was simply deceived from OCZ! Any other decent brand would have said to me first that it was EOL products, so they will have to give me crap! It was not right to give me something just to try to blur my eyes! So as you can see friend, you are not alone Regards
  5. Nice sreenshots there I'm putting much trust on these chips... I hope finaly AMD give us something to compare to intel. I was so Athlon64 adict Does anybody knows what kind of numbers do these chips have on memory performance? Read\Write\Copy\latency? I realy expect not to have anymore read values like 9800mb/s It's time to see something similar to SB
  6. Not a bad idea, the problem is that we can't have a direct result like on maxxmem The perfect bench would be Aida64 with the same system of points of Maxxmem But I would never put direct pontuation, like read results because it would not be fair. The biggest deference between PSC's, Elpida BBSE's, Hynyx, etc compared to the only good IC's, whitch of course are Elpida Hyper MGH-E and MNH-E is the latency. But also, using latency as a direct pontuation would also not be fare for the other IC's It needs to be combined. I think we need programmer hehe Regards
  7. OK, first of all I would like to congratulate Chis for having such a good idea. This thread was not a total fail, it was a way to try to show that maxxmem is a bugged benchmark. But I would like to put you on test Try to make a bugged run on 1155 platform and ONLY with maxxmem v1.95 It just doesn't have does frequent bugs anymore To be sincere, with Maxxmem v1.95 I have never cach a bug SF3D you just said the real truth there
  8. OK, so this result is just very interesting. From what I can see Yes have won. Now, the problem is that there are 3 diferent "yes's". I'd like to hear what does the moderators think about this. Still the votations where really competitive. So, what do all the comunity think about this? Regards to all!
  9. Well performed pal A realy eficient score
  10. Well, maybe you're right It's just because Maxxmem is so adict Well, let's see what the voting will tell. Thanks pal
  11. But at least it is indeed memory performance Otherwise what can we found that is a measuring memory performance benchmark?
  12. But that's why there are 2 more options that brings Maxxmem without bugs Option 2 and 3. Come on, at least vote people Regards
  13. Thanks LEEGHOOFD I could go to 110.4110.5, but CPU wont have those mhz
  14. Yap, this is THE score 2001's master Congratularions pal
  15. Thanks pal If it wasn't you, I'd never be able to reach that level And by the way, it's an honor to be praised by 2001's Boss
  16. You have a point there But still, it's the best we can find for memory performance Come on, with the other two options there are no bugs
  17. Hi there If you think it's so bugged you have other 2 options those don't have bugs, and many other benchs have bugs too If you think that is so CPU dependent give me your best score with maximum CPU frequncy and I'll beat it with 100mhz less on CPU Come on, let HWbot have a memory performance benchmark Thank you for participating! Regards
  18. Well since the last thread about this made some movment here, this time I've created a poll for voting in what do you think about Maxxmem2 giving points. Here are the options: 1 - Yes, Maxxmem2 should give points and be ranked for the submition points, as it is; 2 - Yes, Maxxmem2 should give points, but it should be based on Read\Write\Copy, excluding latency; 3 - Yes, Maxxmem2 shuold give points, but it can only be ranked by Read result directly, excluding the others (Copy\Write\Latency); 4 - No, I don't want Maxxmem2 to give points. Come on, let's vote for this, and remember that HWBot doesn't have realy a benchmark so directed to memory performance, as this one. On this benchmark you can show your memory tweaking capabilities, without always beeing overwhelmed by ultra CPU's Thank you for participating! Best regards Morphling
  19. Thank friend You guys here are realy fast answering This is a real forum Regards
  20. Hi everybody. I see that on Maxxmem2's scores the places are not correctly placed. I know that it was for Geil's contest, but now it has over, so we realy want to see the true scores, whitch are the submited points instead of Read points. Kintaro is the 1st place, I'm 2nd and MSIMAX is 3rd. Best regards to everyone Morphling
  21. Ok, so we are getting something here That's a start. Well so I think that everyone is now looking more at the possibility of using Maxxmem2 without latency. For me that's perfectly fine then. It's better than continuing to submit briliant scores without any beneficts. So I ask, how can we make this go further and have Maxxmem2 giving points before September ends? Come on let's do this another 2D benchmark to use, and a good one. There is not actualy any specific benchmark that is so directed to Memory, and HWBot realy needs one. The closest thing we got to use memory performance is SuperPi 32M, but no matter how good your RAM is, you are always overwhelmed from the stronger CPU's that can have more mhz. On Maxxmem things are not that way Of course CPU helps, but it's realy not the most important thing. Please give me feedback Regards to all and thanks for participating!
  22. I'm realy sorry for Jimmy R.I.P. Jimmy
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