mc voltage are juste above mem voltage menu,
cpu vddq (vddq tx in hwinfo)
cpu vdd2
you have to find the right voltage for them. it's a sweet spot.
on tachyo with 13th gen it's arround 1,35v vddq and 1,45v vdd2.sometime it's lower.
there is no need for overvoltage. juste set 1,3 V vddq and 1,4v vdd2 under 8000 mt/s
1,35 vddq and 1,45 vdd2 above 8000 mt/s
for higher freq you will need to play with vccsa, 1,2v is ok up to 8266, 1,25 at 8400, 1,3v at 8600. but like vddq and vvd2 you will need to find the right voltage for your cpu.
for freq up to 8400 you can use rdeq mode 2, above 8600 you may need rdeq mode 1
for mem voltage, tachyon need to have a gap between vdd and vddq(vddq mem not vddq cpu). 0,1 v between both on mine above 8000 mt/s