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Everything posted by Stermy57

  1. Hello, i posted my scores with my Sapphire Rage 128 Pro Ultra http://hwbot.org/benchmark/3dmark_99_max/rankings?hardwareTypeId=videocard_1775#start=0#interval=20 http://hwbot.org/benchmark/3dmark2000/rankings?hardwareTypeId=videocard_1775#start=0#interval=20 http://hwbot.org/benchmark/3dmark2001_se/rankings?hardwareTypeId=videocard_1775#start=0#interval=20 http://hwbot.org/benchmark/aquamark/rankings?hardwareTypeId=videocard_1775#start=0#interval=20 and I saw that in the HWBot list are 2 ranks: "ATI Rage 128 PRO" and "ATI Rage 128 PRO AGP 4X" So I put my scores with my Sapphire Rage 128 Pro AGP 4X on "ATI Rage 128 PRO AGP 4X" but than i saw the score with the "ATI Rage 128 PRO" and also hier there are ATI Rage 128 PRO with AGP4X slots -.- So what is the difference between "ATI Rage 128 PRO" and "ATI RAGE 128 PRO AGP 4X"? I was wrong to put my score on "ATI Rage 128 PRO AGP4X? I must put my scores on "ATI Rage 128 PRO" without AGP 4X? Because now thw 2 ranks: ATI Rage 128 Pro and ATI Rage 128 PRO AGP4X are the same :sisi:
  2. I understand Christian Ney, thanks
  3. So is not possible to put a score?
  4. Hello, I saw that in HW Bot list there are only AMD/ATI/NVIDIA and Intel GPU, but exists other brands, for example: Matrox SIS 3Dfx And so on, so it's possible to put these brands on HW Bot list?
  5. Mitica la 9700PRO!!!! Perachè hai fatto i tests a default?
  6. Più che soffiarla qui si vede ancora più come la CPU mi limiti...
  7. You must upload your picture one by one...
  8. Ticket ID: 1498 Priority: Low Hello HWBot,\r\nI saw that this model motherboard does not exist in HW Bot list...\r\nI buy it but now i can\'t put my score with its\r\nSo it\'s possible to add the GIGABYTE GA-970A-UD3?\r\nIn the same also:\r\nGIGABYTE GA-970-D3\r\nGIGABYTE GA-970-DS3
  9. Hello, i saw that this model motherboard does not exist in HW Bot list... I buy it but now i can't put my score with its So it's possible to add the GIGABYTE GA-970A-UD3? In the same also: GIGABYTE GA-970-D3 GIGABYTE GA-970-DS3
  10. Thanks Turrican i used the TNT2 M64 16MB with the Detonator 30.82 and 3Dmark 2001 runs well Any news?
  11. Se fossimo stati vicini avremmo fatto a metà con i Quantum
  12. Yes, i know that now i have to use the new Aquamark wrapper, and yes for "old" i mean (before 26th december 2011)
  13. Thanks Turrican Because you are the only one that want to help me
  14. May I ask you a questions? I tried to bench with 3DMark 2001SE and this GPU but i have the error: "OUTOFVIDEOMEMORY" Can ask you, what do you have done?
  15. I Know those scores were old, but is not justification... Is not correct, because now it's impossible to scores under Aquamark 3 and old AGP cards So, to conclude I and other people can't put our score? I have this problem with the Ati Rage PRO and one TNT2 M64 16MB, Do you know what kind of driver is necessary? For the ATI Rage I used the last driver from the AMD site... For the Nvidia I used the Omega 61.77
  16. Hello, I am Stermy57, like my nickname (lol ndr) I love retrobench and retroclocking with old CPU and GPU, but i have a problems with olds AGP cards with 3DMark 2001SE and Aquamark 3.... With the new rules it's impossible to make a score with old AGP Card (4/8/16MB) under Aquamark 3 like the ATI Rage PRO 8MB. Because under WinXP Aquamark 3 crashed at frame 5050... So I think to run it win Win98 like other peole: http://hwbot.org/submission/1093350_northwood_3400_aquamark_rage_pro_328_marksbut http://hwbot.org/submission/2122575_drswizz_aquamark_rage_pro_114_marks http://hwbot.org/submission/2163180_christian_ney_aquamark_rage_pro_496_marks But with the new rules the new version of Aquamark required NET framework 4.0 So it's impossible to bench and to put my score under Win98 So is necessary a new rule for the OLD card.... Is not true says that anyone bench under Win98 with Aquamark because Dr.Swizz and Northwood-3400 do it, but they do it with the old rules.... anymore can help me? I have a problem in the same time with 3Dmark 2001SE with AGP OLD Cards 8/16MB because the software says: "VIDEOOUTOFMEMORY"
  17. Is not true says that anymore bench under Win98 with Aquamark because Dr.Swizz and Northwood-3400 do it, but they do it with the old rules....
  18. Yes but with WinXP Aquamrk3 and 3DMark 2001 crash.... 3DMark 2001 SE says "OUTOFVIDEOMEMORY" While Aquamark 3 crash to frame 5050....
  19. I tried to bench but it's impossible, someone can help me?
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