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phobosq last won the day on January 21

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  1. tell me this game is not p2w :) gg qjak!
  2. Strong scores, keep pushing m8, I'm sure you can get to 40k easily xD
  3. stuck with the wallpaper? Stockholm syndrome or what? :) good run m8, keep pushing
  4. keep pushing mate, on XP you bypass 200k easily
  5. Just a bit more, you can do it, keep pushing!
  6. 4 GB cards don't compete here
  7. I see that qjak's pot serves you well, good it's getting some real action :) well done and keep pushing!
  8. This CPU turned out not to be that bad after all, well done m8, keep pushing!
  9. 9800x3d not allowed in Country Cup
  10. 9800x3d not allowed in Country Cup
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