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phobosq last won the day on December 10

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  1. I see that qjak's pot serves you well, good it's getting some real action :) well done and keep pushing!
  2. This CPU turned out not to be that bad after all, well done m8, keep pushing!
  3. Did it get serious after all?
  4. For AM5 Windows 10/11, it's AM4!
  5. There's another thing that I think was there in the early rules, at least in the old GUI - picture requirement. We had this requirement by default for all competitions, and I don't see it after the update. There are at least a few submits without rig photo and it would be a bummer for those guys if their hard work went down the drain.
  6. Dual rank power, you smashed my LN2 single ranks on water. Keep pushing mate!
  7. I tried to comment on a PyPrime DDR3 result by Emil.Su like 5 times, nothing happened. I think it's just broken.
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