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phobosq last won the day on July 12

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  1. Come on, man, it's only a week, and you're not cutting, but allowing more, besides - it makes sense as those boards are often were similar (LP Nf2 Ultra vs Nf2 Infinity, they even share the same BiOS, other example on 939 where Infinity is stripped from UV). I'm surprised no one mentioned this before.
  2. For DFi stage Lanparty requirement should be extended to allow Infinity/Blood Iron too, they are budget counterparts of LP line-up from DDR1/DDR2 era
  3. I think your caring support was misunderstood by the powers-that-be @Emil.SU @Lanimkeep pushing mate, stay happy you're not on AM4
  4. Thanks, much appreciated. It seems that I'd have to go through whatever leftovers I can get online, I checked a few kits for volts and found two capable of 2760 8-13-8 but at around 2.05 air, funny thing is I always thought PSC hard walls at 1.96 on air. That's still far from 1.92
  5. Dude, I admire your perseverance, I gave up after 3 sessions, but this result is strong, well done!
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