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Everything posted by CherV

  1. Say Hi to everyone who worked hard in benching PCMark 2005 ^o^ ~ I would like to share the direction for 60K+ Windows and Text Edit there, please don't mind. For 60K + Windows 1. Enable Full Grass Transparanecy is required <---- I think nobody will try before. 2. Small + Black = Faster <----- think again. (+25-30%) 3. DMW Tweak ,Force Windows style and sub-style setting in registry (+10-30%) 4. DMW Tweak ,Force Windows Z-order Setting in registry (+10-20%) 5. GDI and Direct 2D Tweak, Force Windows Fast update to Video Buffer in registry(Must have) 6. Force Windows Coordinate registry. (Must have) 7. 3D Monitor 120Hz Mode always Enable in registry. (Must have) 8. Add Direct2D Buffers Size in registry. 9. Faster CPU Clock and VGA GDDR Clock = more Windows. Over 100+ Lines here , I spend a lot of time to study DWM.exe and registry, please don't ask me the .reg file , PCM05 is fun to discover tweak , Do you agree ? ^o^...." For Text Edit : 1. Go bench in Turkmenistan. 2. Buy a coffee for Master Christian. 3. Then change Windows Administration username to "PRO" 4. reboot You will get 10K+ Pages....................... (joke) T.T"ㄖ !!
  2. 69K is not impossible ....... !! I never appear in WR List because PRO always push the score higher.....................T.T" Very tried you know.
  3. Yes, I just shared some direction about 60K+ 2D Trans Windows in your thread. ^.^ I started to bench PCMARK 05 base on the tweaks inside your thread, I learn a lot from you , LOD, D3D....etc. Special thanks Mad and Stephen, they teach me what is sub-zero world and have fun in OC.
  4. 5.6GHz is Base Clock in BIOS and using Intel XTU Software to boost the Turbo Clock to 6.2GHz.
  5. Hi, Pro...... you got new tweak in Text edit, let me think how to make it. (T.T)
  6. Oh...... Text Edit Pro Edition.........
  7. @Christian : oh... Sorry, I update the chart for you.... ^o^~
  8. @GLUVOCIO: Yes , I know how to make the trans windows near 60K now, thanks for your direction. ^o^ ~ Kiss.
  9. Thank you I.M.O.G, RAID 0 is the fastest but not the best way in VirusScan ......
  10. OCZ ...has good read performance but HDD usage is 60% read 40% write
  11. Thanks for your tips , PCMark 05 is really funny, I am using big windows = quick loop, I will try to study their benchmark approach, try to use different way to reach 60K+........if possible..........^.^"
  12. Can I have a question? I try to learn your 60K windows but i try all 3rd theme , no one can reach 60K+, any hints there?
  13. FMPAD.exe must be original one for the online submit . Give you a direction, a method very common in server usage nowsaday. P.S : "guy" <--- I am not.
  14. Thank you... Pro is King of PCM05, my tweak will slowdown 3-5% of overall performance, he is running in 5GHz even my CPU boost to 5.6GHz, my text edit is lower.
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