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Everything posted by newlife

  1. It should work for a large number of card but only really ati/amd cards and some nvida with old drivers I'll see if I can do a brief guide later today because it's pretty easy to do and works increasing max clocks for any card as well I only ever tested increasing the volts with a 7870 hawk and Asus 7870 dc2 v2 both of which used the same chill pwm
  2. His initial time is the dead giveaway that he's running a higher speed
  3. Yeah just not sure which pwm is for mem but it looks to be a 8 pin
  4. That's until bullants decides to try AMD With the 1.9vdimm limit it's where I found the performance and the mems don't really shine till 2.1v+ so without a ln2 bios I won't be able to push much better And timings used I'll give it a try again when I next put it under cold and I should be able to get the NB to 3300+ and I know the imc is good for 2600-2700 when cold but timings well probably be too loose
  5. Thanks mate Looks like Gigabyte has the top 3 overall and top for each platform
  6. Use a memory editor like artmoney to increase the limit in ab by searching for the max volts in a memory editor which in this case is 1350 and the memory address will start with something like 44 or 45. You need to have AB running and not minimized for it to work
  7. New leader 14m 19.578s http://hwbot.org/submission/2639385_
  8. Here's a preview on what I've been working on
  9. Ever heard of editing a post so you don't triple post
  10. The cpu stage shows as ending in one day when it should be the 30th Edit: All the stages show as ending in one day 12 hours
  11. It would've been good to have a stage with open cooling
  12. "There will be 3 different stages all limited to only using air or watercooling" What do you think?
  13. Some stuff is fine to keep secret but this being a rookie rumble and all And in that case here's the team thread http://forums.overclockers.com.au/showthread.php?t=1000474
  14. Not at all that just means you're using 32bit java and try Java V8 beta as with ivy/haswell it scored around 5% better P.S. Everybody has a right to know about little tweaks like java version so it would be good to keep as much as possible public since it only benifts the OC community as a hole
  15. Didn't you already know what IC you have since aren't 1500 HCH9 and 2500 HYK0
  16. That's interesting as I didn't think HYK0 could go that low as I thought it was the same as the other two
  17. What java version are using? Hwbot prime doesn't care about memory only clock speed and java version.
  18. JD the ram you have should be good for around 2.1v (benching only, not 24/7 as it will damage the IMC)
  19. Inspired by this comp http://hwbot.org/submission/2627139_
  20. Yeah that's Samsung ICs for you Also what volts are running them? Samsungs love lots volts and doesn't really shine till 1.9v+
  21. Mate, 5.5ghz on air with AMD is piss easy very nice cpu l3gendluk3 if you're willing to push the volts you may be able to get 5.7ghz
  22. Thanks once again Mind my ignorance but would it possible to solder a VR in series between the resistor and CSN and cut the trace/IC leg? I have a dead card which I'm probably going to test it on and due to the resistors size I don't think I would be able to remove them
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