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Everything posted by EpicAMDGamer

  1. So I just got windows installed............and the processor is running at its stock multiplier. I suppose this is one of those times that the bios is dead wrong, can't believe I fell for that.
  2. Hello everyone! I'm a user of HWBOT for about 4 years, had about 60 points on my old HWBOT account, haven't done much on this one. I don't know much about intel's lower end lineup, and I was under the impression that all of the 1155 pentiums were locked multiplier. Well I threw together a computer for office use today with an EVGA P67 SLI board and a Pentium G640, and while messing around in the bios, noticed that I was able to set a different value in the processor's multiplier setting. I saved the bios and to my surprise, The BIOS is showing the value I've set. I have not installed windows yet, but I certianly will get a cpuz validation when I do. I'm wondering if anyone has more information as to why this is possible?
  3. Hello, I'm just wondering how you were able to push 1.7v into your processor with only air cooling?
  4. Oh shoot, completely missed this one. Can we do a re-match?
  5. Ticket ID: 1678 Priority: Low Hello, I see there is a GA-7VA on HWBOT which is a socket A motherboard from gigabyte. \r\n\r\nI have a Gigabyte GA-7VAX that I would like to have added to the BOT.\r\n\r\nI\'d also like to get a notification when it has been added so I can modify all my submissions to reflect the motherboard I\'m actuallly using.
  6. Thanks guys Yeah I guess my cpu is good for FSB but other than that it's not good for much else considering it's 1.6ghz stock and all I've got it to so far is 3Ghz. It's actually the first amd cpu I'm benching, hopefully from here I can get a bit more. One thing I hate about this cpu is that it's HT runs at 1.6ghz not 2Ghz and it seems very picky about that sort of stuff. I'll probably compete in the Maxxmemm challenge as well, see you then!
  7. So when do we know who are the third and fourth week winners?
  8. This was done with normal ICE (Frozen H20).
  9. This was done with normal ICE (Frozen H2O).
  10. This was done with normal ICE (Frozen H2O).
  11. Shame this is only 3770K, I would've competed if it was 3570K.
  12. Hello, what slot do you have the card in that board? You should have it in the black slot, otherwise the latency from the PLX bridge on the orange slots will affect your scores.
  13. Oh no only 18 minutes left Just finished installing XP, don't think I can make it though...
  14. Aw, shame the sli is ending in 7 hours because In about 7 hours I'll have all the parts for my new benchmarking rig. Gigabyte Z77X UP7, 3570K, H100, and next week 8GB of Patriot Viper Extreme 2400Mhz which I"ll oc to 2600 Cas10 1T.
  15. Hello guys, got a question for ya. I got myself $100 of Walmart Gift cards to get rid of. I already have an ASUS P8Z68-V PRO (not gen3) laying around and I'm wondering if it's a good idea to use that walmart money to order a Pentium G630 and a tiny bit of HyperX DDR3 1333mhz ram. It says the ram is stock 1.5volt so maybe with a bit more voltage I can get 1600-1866 or so and oc the cpu a bit. I'm wondering how much of an increase in 3DM03 Scores I can get going from some slightly OC'd C2D's and Athlon 64's and original Phenoms all running on DDR2. Thanks and happy holidays!
  16. Question for you if you don't mind, If you were to run these cards exactly as you did but on an Athlon 64 X2 4200+ setup, how much bottleneck and how much would that lower the score?
  17. So I don't know if anyone is aware but it's extremely hard to soder the vmod on 7900's. People recommend conductive ink. I tried to soder, and succeded!!! Only problem now is that I'm causing the system to shutdown because it's overloading my Thermaltake TR2 430Watt PSU
  18. Hello there, I couldn't help but notice that your pictures show 7900GT's but you submitted this as 8800 GTX's.
  19. Little better score after I OC'd the CPU more. I'll probably vmem pencil mod these cards and see what I can do. (They are actually a GS and a GT in SLI, using RivaTuner to change the GS's device id to a GT.)
  20. Can't anyone help with my question, I'd really like to participate.
  21. Hello, I've got a question regarding the SLI Challenge. I have a 7900GT and 7900GS which I can SLI If I use riva tuner to make the GS's ID show up as a GT. Would I be allowed to submit a score with the GS and GT and if so should I list it as GS sli or GT sli?
  22. Welp if nobody submits a score for Rush 6 for OCN I guess I'll have to fire up my old K5 machine and get a result. (probably take multiple hours)
  23. Ripped apart my Home Server to get this score with the 9600 SE. I wish I could overclock this but was unable to, the clocks would drop way below stock if any overclock was done even with the overclock unlocked in the ATI Tool.
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