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Everything posted by Ace123

  1. According to my main screen I have a reported submission. Probably wrong screen shot or something. I would fix it but when I click on the button all I see is this Error message: org.apache.torque.NoRowsException: Failed to select a row.
  2. how the heck did you get that tahiti to clock that high? Bios mod?
  3. It was supposed to get down to 27F but to my disappointment it only got down to 30F. I'm hoping tonight it will reach the 25 predicted.
  4. Member humanitybg`s submitted a memory clock speed of 1866 which is a world record by FAR for 3930k.... his validation link shows it SHOULD be 933.... His submission is not a world record.. he is just running DDR3 1866 http://hwbot.org/submission/2447944_humanitybg_memory_clock_ddr3_sdram_1866_mhz please repair so proper member receives the points
  5. Ok Lol! http://hwbot.org/submission/2446612_
  6. seriously..... I thought that was considered cheating a long time ago.... I guess Ill just go ahead and take the world records then.
  7. Whilst overclocking my 7990, I was noticing no matter how hard I tried, I could not get mine even close to the scores posted in the 3dmark 11 section. Apon closer inspection of the world record holder, I noticed his submission screen shot stated that tessellation setting was modified. I verified this buy forcing tessellation off and matching his clock settings, I achieved a score extremely close to his. I inspected all the other scores, and noticed they did not post Screenshots with a web browser open showing the score was VALID. I will contest that, at least to the best of my knowledge, all of the scores posted in the 3dmark 11 section of the Radeon HD 7990 were submited with Tessellation OFF. I urge the HWbot Team to please review this.
  8. Hey uh.... On my profile... alot of my e6600 Scores are posted as q6600 scores...
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