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Posts posted by Alex@ro

  1. Hello,i sell my kit which i kept for hot but due to some personal issues i have to retire from this.


    good set,will do 2600 8-12-8 twcl 6 for 32M,boots 2650 with same values,1.9V,never used on cold or benched extendetly,come in retail blister.


    Price: 150E including EMS shipping(2 -3 working days max depending on country,will ship in a few hours after payment complete ),preffering paypal or wu as payment.





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  2. Alex, DFORDAWG's ram should be Samsung based (not sure if HCH9 or HYK0) and I will verify once my kit arrives but not sure what exact kit Hero is using.


    hey george,yes it should be samsung as all 2666 predator we know of are samsung,however looking at smd arrangement it is clearly single-sided hynix mfr.also,it is very hard if not impossible for samsungs to reach 3300+ for valid.looking for a clear answer on this,i mean if some region can buy retail kingston mfr and other ones can't how can we all have equal chanches?

  3. Peiter, i still can't submit myscore.


    only submit 1 picture of your rig,then add the others by editing,i got the same error too,when using multiple larger images.


    btw,where is this mfr coming from,cause i\m sure as hell that double sided cfr won\t do this?






    since all kingston's lineup in europe(i called over 20 shops) and usa are using cfr,how are we supposed to compete with mfr guys?

  4. Hello,i have another 4670K for sale,basically as new,only tested for 5 ghz,comes with full box and warranty papers


    Strong chip,can do 5 ghz@1.31Vcore with 5000 cache(ring)@1.42 for 32M


    Batch: L311B436,no idea about CB as it was never tested under cold,only 30 minutes air.


    Price: 300E +shipp





  5. With sadness i have to sell my best kit of psc due to some problems with car and need of money.This is my result of binning dozens of kits with this coming as the best from all of them.


    They do:


    2600 7-12-7-27 twcl 6 ultra tight 32M at 1.96V all air 25 ambient

    2666 8-12-7-27 twcl 6everything ultra-tight can run 32M all day at 1.87V(25 celsius ambient)

    2722 8-12-7-27 twcl 6 ultra-tight 32M at 1.95(~20 ambient)

    2600 7-12

    2666 6-11-6-28 ultra-tight twcl 6(could be tighter but was first play) on dice -60 degrees and 2.16(can run also @2.11 but had that just to be sure)

    2712 6-11-6-28 twcl 6made half a run of 32M at 2.20 still on dice.


    When i say ultra-tight i mean tweaked for 32M and stretched almost to limit,i do not test with twcl 8 or something.


    8155 pcb guarantees no problems with cold so these should be prime candidates fo 2800 cas 6 run.


    They come with full package,excellent condition vizual and functional and all results are guaranteed given you provide them a decent IMC and similar parameters as mine.


    Price: 500$ or 400E,+ shipping(about 20E to europe and us,other countries please pm me first).













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  6. Haswell is such an interesting animal...so,after 15 chips....


    -general rule for me,the better the core(lower voltage for 5 ghz) the better the cache/ring frequency

    -some chips can do 4.5 stable with 1.15 let's say but they end up not doing 5 ghz at all,while some require 1.2 and they do 5 ghz under 1.4

    -VID could be an indicator of chip quality but not main factor,got 2 0.97 that would require 1.45+ for 5 ghz while my best chips*under 1.3 * had 1.02

    -imc quality varies,but not related to core/cache,the best imc i encountered*3400 stable 32M with 1.15 vccio a/d had almost the worst cores i've seen requiring 1.3V just to enter os at 4.4 ghz

    -chips behave differenty when searching for lowest voltage for a given frequency,example while testing for 5 ghz 32M some chips would give not exact in round or sqrt,some would simply freeze the screen while others will do classic 101 or 124.

    -ram frequency play a role in vcore required for stability but not to all pieces,testing stability at DDR3-3000 some would require +0.02-0.3 over DDR3-2133,some would need the same vcore.


    Still have some things to figure out,maybe other members can chime in with experiences and binning multiple haswell so we can create a has$$well wikipedia here :D

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