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Posts posted by Alex@ro

  1. I am not saying it is not real,in the common sense of "real" word meaning.I am saying this is not true cl5,or better yet the most effective cl5.It would be interesting to see if this allows you tigher RTL and how much improvement in AIDA bandwith tests this earns. I was not attacking you in any way,you are probably the only person to master gigabyte boards in frozen memory departments and this means a lot of skill :D

  2. There was about time for this board to have a thread on it's own since i personally believe it's a dream for clocking memory.So if you got any results to share or any tips or tricks feel free to share.


    I will start with my own:


    DDR3-2750 8-12-8 all tight on normal ambient easy:




    DDR3-2980 9-12-12 all tight on normal ambient easy:




    DDR3-2933 8-12-12 all tight on dice -50 samsung madness:



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