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  1. Hey, I just found some old stuff: - MSI N650GTX-TI Cyclone II -Corsair CM2X512-8500 I didn't decided the price, please make an offer Shipping from Italy. bye
  2. Sold everything, should be closed thank you!
  3. ryba fat pot SOLD, only 2 slims still available
  4. up
  5. up!
  6. only 3 GPU pots left
  7. up
  8. Up
  9. Sold some stuff, still available: 2x ryba slim GPU pots (new, never used) 1x ryba fat GPU pot
  10. Up!
  11. Hi guys, sadly I decided to quit OC some time ago, so now I�m going to sell all my equipment. I hope that you could use this stuff and enjoy OC! Feel free to choose the best shipping service. 1x ryba-SF3D Inflection CPU - [sOLD] 2x ryba slim GPU pot � never used - � 180 for both or � 100 for one 1x ryba fat GPU pot - � 130 [sOLD] 2x Kingpin Tek-9 Slim pot � [sOLD] 2x � UEI DT200 � [sOLD] The stuff have to be cleaned, this is the reason why you see some "dark parts". I have some K probes too. Enjoy! Alex
  12. Thanks sam will try!
  13. Did some testing today... I7 3770k Asrock oc formula Gskill pi 2200 cl7 Memories 2600 8-12-8-28 and maxmem 600 and 640 passed 100% of the times. Did waza 4times and 3 of 4 times crashed. Some times SQR error, last time it freezed at 8th or 9th loop. Seems that here I didn't have problem with maxmem, only when i run a waza run.. Alex
  14. Hahaha, uncle made my day! LOL
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