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Everything posted by minicoopers

  1. Again 10€ price drop Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
  2. bump
  3. bump
  4. Please close for now. Thanks for space Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
  5. Here aswell 10€ discount for all chips Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
  6. 10€ discount for all chips Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
  7. Price update #1 380€ #2 530€ #3 680€ I'm open for offers
  8. minicoopers

    X99 CPUs

    Found a 5930k will stop the search for now. Please close. Thanks hwbt for space and happy easter
  9. Happy Easter everyone Price drop #1 - 400€ #2 - 370€ #3 - 280€
  10. Forgot this thread.... Open for offers Need to sell those chips
  11. Hi together, need to sell some stuff... #1 - 5820k Bought this chip pretested. Could run 5.6 (+) XTU. Didn't benched this chip myself with ln2. #2 - 7700k Chip is able to run 6.6 R15. Used it only one time cause found a better one R15 5.2 @ 1.26 @ air cooling #3 - 7700k Chip is able to run 6.775 R15. Both Kabylake chips were tested on Apex. Price without shipping: #1 400€ #2 550€ #3 700€
  12. minicoopers

    X99 CPUs

    Hi, searching all 6 core chips. (5820K/5930K/6800K/6850K) All chips should be good clocker. So please add some information if you have one of those chips Thanks
  13. minicoopers

    4930k / G3258

    Hi together, looking for these two chips. Both chips should be able to run 6.2g (+) r15. Please pm me if you have such a chip.
  14. Please move it. Chip is still available but I don't have time to ship it...will try to sell it later again Thanks hwbot for space
  15. Thanks Good point. I updated the start post
  16. Hi, For sell another 7700k. Chip is able to run 5ghz R15 @1.18v And 5.2@1.28v with air cooler. Tested on Apex with memory at 4133 12-11-28 and cache at 4.5GHz Chip is already delidded. Chip will be cleaned before shipping Price 650€ without shipping. [ATTACH]5324[/ATTACH]
  17. Sold please move. Thanks hwbot for space
  18. It is to dark...will upload a better picure tomorrow
  19. Hi, For sale a strong 7700k. Tested with ln2. Can do 6930 in legacy benchmarks 6640 xtu 6740 r15 Bought it from Dancop and only sell it because i found a better chip Price without shipping 700€ [ATTACH]5287[/ATTACH]
  20. Will retry it on my next session. This chip should be able to reach the 2k
  21. Open for offers
  22. minicoopers

    Titan XP

    Sold. Please move the thread. Thanks hwbot for space
  23. New prices: Prices without shipping: #1 430€ #2 380€ #3 330€
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