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  1. Hard to believe it's pulling so hard on just the stock blower. Not exactly stock paste or pads though. ? I figured she just needed some voltage to wake up. ?
  2. For Vega/GCN5 Gpu-Pi wouldn't the Vega APUs also count? Then you'd have a lot of options to fill in the blanks.
  3. The comp is always about the whales, but we were playing with the Optane hybrid drives and stuff with good results.
  4. I'm really kinda bummed to see the HD bench is gone but that's life I guess. New and different has it's haters.
  5. A lot of countries struggled last year with 3 subs or barely scratching out 4 subs. What's the rule on hardware sharing again?
  6. What's this I hear about 5 sub stages? I imagine on modern and common hardware, it shouldn't be too hard for most teams. But on anything rarer or harder that becomes a mad bias for the larger teams. Not too keen on baking in benefits for a few teams at the cost of others.
  7. Corsair has a customer service department? Thanks for the info! ?
  8. So a question... Are an ES CPU or Motherboard allowed? If not, I'm totally done in for. LoL
  9. Good luck everyone. I'll skip this one, as my opinion and experience with Corsair is poor.
  10. I think most agree it's better to a point. If you are after Bclk it's definitely better.
  11. My lovely little Troll-chi it's definitely a moody thing but if you figure out how it wants to be treated it does surprisingly well. It definitely has different preferences for something's than other makes. The software OC tools are a bit buggy at times but at least they are easy to use and aren't bloated monsters. My two big asks for the bios... 1.) VRM Switching Frequency, it would be nice to crank it up and not care about efficiency when I want to make things go fast. 2) Give me back the DDR4 tuning controls, the options were there and over time they've been stripped out or dumbed down. Bonus round... 3) set VTTDDR, offset is evil... 4) Vref control... I doubt Asrock will unlock these things now, but I can hope. ?
  12. So there may or may not be another XOC bios for the Unify-X coming... Oooo... USB and PCIe fixed XOC bios things! Here's hoping...
  13. Thanks, I totally derped when reading over the thread, I thought it was just a Tachyon bios. I guess Giggles decided for Z590 if you want an XOC bios, you'll get a Tachyon... Understandable but not great for those who can't afford or even get their hands on one at all. Z490 was nice with the bioses being available across several boards.
  14. I don't suppose there's a chance of an XOC bios for the Z590 Master? Edit: I totally didn't see the link and I read the thread 4 times before posting... Derp...
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