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Posts posted by Gautam

  1. I didn't read the whole thread, just to step in here...


    I'm against splitting up the ranking, because:


    - how to control who is pro or not?

    - will there be a group of people to decide this?

    - how much suplier given hardware disqualifies you from non-pro?

    - rumors/accusing will get more non-pro, where people have to prove not getting support


    For me personally it would be disaponting competing against the real big ones, I personally get only more or less mainboard support (extra where 2 PSUs, and some VGAs only for testing/selecting). Stuff like ONE CPU (selected one out of five non pretested CPUs) in the last two years and some VGAs, memory where some kind of compensation for hard work on exibitions, and this ist hard work and costs a lot of time in preparation these...


    I spent this year thousands of euro out of my own pocket, so for me I would step back to non-pro and give up support from ASUS...


    So, from my point of view, don't split, I would not change anything, I think, it would get worse...

    Pretty much completely agree with you on everything. I think that an "amateur" class could help people who have no industry contacts whatsoever though, but not much more. Otherwise the top 10, 20, etc won't change.


    And that's the other thing people are missing. The problem is not with who can be in the "pro" class. The "pro" class should be open to everyone. After all, most of the people complaining about things not being fair would rather be in the "amateur" class I'd think. Having to compete against the likes of Andre, hicookie and Nick should be enough of a natural deterrent for most from the "pro" class.


    The problem will arise in the "amateur" class, where gray areas like reviewers that get some freebies might want to be in it, but it wouldn't be fair to people who pay for everything, etc. If everyone will want to be in the pro class, then there's no reason to have one. The reason to make two classes is because people are upset that things aren't "fair".

  2. No one is furious, just frustrated.


    It boggles me though that if people are here on the premise of "competing" that they would be o.k. with their competitors having an markedly unfair advantage over you them.

    That's not even remotely what we're trying to say here. What we're saying is that banning ESes won't remove any of this "unfairness" you speak of.


    Edit: Exactly what Hollywood posted above...

  3. Some food for thought.


    I have a 860 Es and a 980x ES. CBB -50 -90CB 860 ES. CBB -60 -100CB 980X.

    Both suck.


    I have a 920 retail. 4900 uncore through 32m CB -135


    Now I have a retail 5870SOC, came in a retail box, is a retail revision and does 1500 ram through vantage......and don't give me the BS it needs to be binned on ln2.


    Ram doesn't need ln2 binning. VDDR Ram can be binned just by looking at batch.


    Point is there is no real solution and it can go either way. How hard is it to rebrand ES with retail batch info.......Lets look back at retail "recognized by cpu-z" AMD 955 BE HL ES chips.....


    For the record the chip makers know where the best silicon is on a wafer.....they don't need to really get scientific about it once original testing is done.


    Anyway my 2c i agree with gatman.


    Hope people read this...

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