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Posts posted by mAlkAv!An

  1. Bump for this one. At the moment I don't have any points effectively. I'm not ranked in OC League and I am not contributing points to the team.


    I have changed the "I do not wish to participate in the HWBOT rankings" accidently. Now the check mark is set back off but some (global) points are missing and I'm not ranked in the Overclockers League (nor in another one).



    Any way to fix this?


    Thanks in advance.

  2. Those are capacitors. Little ones are ceramic ones and you can solder them both ways but for the big electrolytic one you have to watch polarity ;)

    You broke the SMD socket but thats not needed - you will just have some problems to resolder that short broken leg without replacing it by a thick wire.

  3. Yeah, I looked into your team as it surprised me too. I think the reason why you guys dropped so much is because you're mainly using the same hardware. Using identical hardware was very beneficial in R3, but not anymore in R4.


    //edit: actually, what you can see is the hardware sharing prevention kicking in. The more a team drops, the more this team would be prone to sharing accusations because the members use a pretty similar set of hardware.


    Yes thats true but just counts for hardware points, I mean you can also share a GTX580 f.e. to get global points.

    My team has just a few active members but most were simply buying the hardware with which you got many hw points with Rev.3 - so that's often identically.

    Plus we don't have many global points, now we need to get some.

  4. I was just looking for some HD4850 results and found this one:





    First I thought it was just some kind of bugged run because he isn't showing subtest details but than I used the 3DM06 formula for score calculation and got a different score. That means he did edit the sm2+3 score with some paint proggie.


    final score = 2.5 / ( ( 0.3/cpuscore + 1.7/((sm2+sm3)/2) ) / 2)



    So I had a look for some other submissions of this guy and many are photoshopped. For example:





















    On some screens the font size isn't even the same or he is getting way to high cpu scores, f.e. 11.9k with sandy at 5.4GHz ;)

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