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  1. They cover and explain even the smallest details, if missed could cause lot of frustration for the learner. Also they don't skip any repetitive work and leave things to the imagination,jvzoo academy review instead that is all shown in the videos.

  2. LMFAO ROFL awesome James better watch out Gigabyte might have you rapping at public events now
  3. wow with amount of 51x max multi cpus, i have to count myself lucky maxing at 52x but that's it for my 2600K L038A660 - 5ghz 1.38v but 5.2ghz max 32M pi http://i4memory.com/blogs/eva2000/46-intel-core-i7-2600k-l038a660-gigabyte-p67a-ud7.html
  4. wow Andre crazy 32M pi frequency ! scary to think how much LN2 and how many i7 980x it took to get there!
  5. definite 2.4C 2.4B = step 7 rev C1 2.4C = step 9 rev D1
  6. Definitely 2.4 C it has HT enabled just not in that photo, 2.4B is C1 step vs 2.4C D1 step
  7. Putting a side the popular vs unpopular hardware / 0.1pt issue and multi-gpu allocated pt discrepancies, one thing that seems to be missing from rev3 on result listing/rankings is that in the past it was easy to click on a result to have to expand and show specifics such as cpu/gpus and what i miss is being able to see the submission/result's rank on the actual ranking/list page without having to leave that listing/rank page.
  8. Hope the bug fix in point calculation helps... last 14 days of submissions. You have to ask yourself was the 0.1pts worth the time and effort ?
  9. Actually both statements can be right as you have to understand not everyone is viewing the new emerging situation from one person/hwbot folks perspective but that of their own. That's why throughout all 3 revisions of hwbot, there have been folks pro-change and folks against the changes. Definitions of effort and amount of money will differ for everyone participating in hwbot. For folks use to LN2/DI and volt modding they'll see that they put alot of effort, time and money to achieve their results. For folks on air/water who push their systems to the limits of their system cooling limitations, find tweaks and test their systems will see that they also put in alot of effort, time and money. It's all relative. Now the new rev3 has rubbed both kinds of folks the wrong way. 1. Folks on LN2/DI and with more money or saved the asses off for multi-gpu setups in hopes of achieving higher scores now in rev3 see that effort (saving money) and benching in multi-gpu configs are not being rewarding enough relative to older gen hardware which is more popular. 2. Folks on air/water in some categories are only getting minor points 0.1 for their efforts as all the points are now sourced in popular hardware categories which have folks on DI/LN2 or volt modding occupying the >0.1 pt rewarding spots. These folks for reasons financially or otherwise can't afford to modify/volt mod and kill their hardware to compete in the more popular hardware categories. So as you see both statements can be correct as it's all relative
  10. rev3 has now just divided that motivation into 2 - motivation to bench and aim for WRs in general = unchanged - motivation to participate in hwbot = decreased for folks with higher end hardware or aims for WRs on hwbot Clearly rev3 will need some revising as it's going to de-motivate alot of folks from further participation in hwbot as you can see by the issues folks are bringing up here so far. At first, I thought splitting the gpus and cores down would give everyone a fighting chance in these broken down categories, but now with the revised point allocation based on hardware popularity - it has really made it less worthwhile to participate in. At this rate, I don't see how 2x, 3x, 4x gpu and cpu core categories will ever become more popular than they are now as some of you have said 'wait and see once more 2010 submissions come in'. Would the discrepancy between a WR/#1 ranking (in multi cpu/gpu) be further widened as more new submissions come in, now that folks realise there's no worthwhile gain in those and just bench the medium/last gen stuff which is more popular ? Yeah I know it will be a catch 22, if folks do that as it effectively ensures the less popular multi gpu/cpu categories remain unpopular with less points awarded. Edit: what about hwbot API/XML feeds ? they undergoing improvements ? any chance of changing or offering xml using only elements without attributes ? makes accessing the data easier from <team> <name>Team OCX</name> <rank rank="1" hwboints="12991.80" participants="5210"/> </team> to <team> <name>Team OCX</name> <rank>1</rank> <hwboints>12991.80</hwboints> <participants>5210</participants> </team>
  11. wow what a bug ! our team lost 2 spots and 553.5pts at least! check this out what i4memory.com had last night versus now http://www.hwbot.org/hallOfFame.do?type=team&applicationId=all
  12. Thanks for explaining this which makes more sense and probably should of been the first post in this thread so as to not confuse folks/oc'ers. This event is about promoting manufacturers through overclockers/oc'ing - hence the formula one title . Manufacturers are the ones choosing who's competing like F1 racing manufacturer's choose who drives their cars. Perceived skill from manufacturer's point of view. .
  13. Being neutral as possible, i too can't see why UK, Germany and France would be excluded when Australia is included ??? Speaking as a British born Chinese Australian - no bias here
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