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Everything posted by K0obies

  1. yeap haha, they work great for testing out cards on water before LN2. this card though i do have a full cover block for but was running a little test with the uniblock before LN2 time hahah, next session plan on shunt modding it to see how much more it can do, sadly though the card doesnt like it if you hit -60c once it doesnt it kicks the bucket hah
  2. Its a 980 Ti strix oc, only pic I have of it atm mate. No mods either
  3. Here's a pic of the setup but sadly i dont have a full pic with the 960 but i do have a pic of the 960 on the setup just not the 960 with whole setup if you would like me to post the 960
  4. found a bios for my gpu and so far its working great but haven't had much time to fully test it out yet
  5. Hi all, so ive been overclocking for a few weeks now and ive hit the limits, the bios is holding me back, would like to know if there is a bios out for the ftw3 that unlocks the restrictions of the card such as the voltage and temp
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