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About Lupino.86

  • Birthday 05/20/1986


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  • Interests
    OverClock, modding, cooling, IT, electronic, road and mountain bike


  • Occupation
    Computer Technician


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  1. THANKS!
  2. wish you happy birthday

  3. GENiEBEN have blocked my submit with this motivation: "//bugged GT2", please explain me. THANKS 3DMark03 it's end with success, no error, no artefact and no video crash http://hwbot.org/submission/2830399_lupino.86_3dmark03_geforce_gt_430_64bit_ddr3_79074_marks
  4. Does anyone have fresh news on the listing of this power card?
  5. Hello everyone, what you think of Team Group Xtreem DDR3-2666 White, CL 11-13-13-35 - 1.65V - 8GB Kit? I already have 4x TridentX G.Skill DDR3-2400, CL9-9-9-31 - 1.65V - 8GB RAM kit and would like to have so-called "spare" naturally good quality memory. Now I use MSI Mpower Z97 and MSI Xpower Z87 with Pentium G3258 and i7 4790K. THANK YOU!
  6. (scrivi in inglese) for so little? LOL
  7. Yeas :-) I wave long experience with BIOS flashing! I wave remode the BIOS for re-flash (hot fash) with second working 8RDA6+ and thi is all the code on bottom: FS6041A-D 0430 N08W2 LINGSEN Taiwan Yes, FF is very bad signal on loading :-( Do you have any advice for this flashing? I remind you that I will havve continue error with awdfash.exe and I can force flash the BIOS only with UniFlash (with no error) THANKS to all for helpl!!!
  8. No, my friend, FF code in power on means total fault Hardware is not in fault, 100% sure Excuse me for asking... but are you sure that the .BIN file is not corrupt? I have error with official awdflash.exe and video message "Wrong BIOS size - Bios don't fit in this EEPROM" is very very strange, what do you thing? I have compared original and mod BIOS: 512 KB (524.288 byte) = identical size!
  9. Today I have flashed the Merlin Mod BIOS but have huge problem: motherboard don't POST :-( awdflash.exe (various version tried, also WinFlash) with and without command /py/sn/cc/cd/cp/QI/F/R report "wrong BIOS size" or "not Award Bios" and stop, then for jump this protection i have used UniFlash v1.47 re09 a universal flasher tool (Website in Russian language: http://www.rom.by/book/Uniflash) this is a AMAZING free flash utility, that can flash a BIOS image on many motherboards. Flashing with Uniflash have well done without error but now the 8RDA6+ don't start and 7segment display show only FF code, can anyone help me? THANKS in advance ;-)
  10. You're the only one in the world to have this modified bios, WOW!!!! Thanks my fiend, to make good
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