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Everything posted by Massman

  1. As you did: posting it here or via PM . Added the link!
  2. Hehe, I know, no worries . The best user of the winning country will have the choice between the 3 containers, then the second best of winning country, then the third best. After that the best user of the second country ... and so on. Some people already have a good CPU container, so maybe they want a GPU container instead .
  3. If it was possible, we would have chosen 6x Gulftown
  4. That's correct. So: 1) people submit results => results are grouped per country 2) the score of a country is calculated based on the average of the best 3 scores of the country 3) per stage, points are awarded to the best 8 countries; 1st = 10, 2nd = 8, and so on. 4) at the end of the competition, all points are added up to each other and we have a finalized country ranking. From the logs, we see what users have scored the most points. So: Winning country => top 3 best scoring users get each one prize 2nd country => top 2 best scoring users get each one prize 3rd country => best score user get one prize
  5. This is the official HWBOT Country Cup 2009 support thread. Post here if you have any questions or remarks and we will try to respond as fast as possible!!
  6. Yes. GT4 is way too high.
  7. Changed title and will move thread to a different forum. Dbret: thanks for clearing up the issues, much appreciated
  8. For reference a couple of questions I answered Tried 4 sticks of memory that have all seen 650+ and all maxed out around 690MHz. I went up as high as 2.7V vdimm (with extra fan), but no luck in breaking the 700FSB so far. CL6 memory timing doesn't boot :-/ 901 afaik I have one cpu here, I might give it a shot. Another board, naah, it's too late for that now. We are Team Madshrimps and we have no backups per definition This is the only board I have for the F1-OC : 700 is good, 696 is bad Tested two of your sticks and two Gskill F2-8000. Both sets booted at 680MHZ FSB I tested, didn't make that much of a difference. Apparently the theory I was talking about was dismissed by it creators already.
  9. I said I wouldn't, but here I am doing it any way: an F1-OC thread. I'm really tired and not really satisfied about this session, so I might try the E8400 of Blind tomorrow if the board didn't die on me http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=787770 VTT: 1.45 to 1.55V, didn't change that much in max FSB VPLL: 1.95V CPU: -85°C NB: -45°C to -50°C; coldbug issues below -60°C Most important settings for high FSB were: NB GTL: 0.58x CPU GTL: 0.63X / 0.65X CPU0 skew: 200ps CPU1 skew: 0ps Some pictures:
  10. Made by Jmke
  11. I think the score is in the database of Wprime. Can you find the link in that database?
  12. just close threads that are not in english
  13. Ticket ID: 628 Priority: Low As requested through PM, here\'s the link: http://products.amd.com/en-us/DesktopCPUDetail.aspx?id=607&f1=&f2=&f3=&f4=&f5=&f6=&f7=&f8=&f9=&f10=&f11=&f12=
  14. same category, they will be merged asap
  15. Seems like the points are still awarded but incorrectly calculated. At first sight, the algorythm forgot to use the weight factor.
  16. What the difference between how it currently works and adding 'extra time'? The latter, at least to me, seems to add nothing but the option to submit a score after the competition has ended. Like scoring a goal when everyone's already inside.
  17. Strategy, most definitly. Interesting, I have my doubts. Probably only for those who actively keep backups, but for other competitors it's overly boring, not to say anything about the spectators. What's so interesting about having a competition where everyone submits a crap score during the comp and then submits the backup 5 minutes before the comp ends? I'd be excited for 5 minutes.
  18. I presume this discussion thread is leading towards a point where someone states that the Wprime validation is not sufficient because: - V1.55 is cheatable or - other versions can be used to submit a validation link If yes, which of the two options is it?
  19. I think I created a new category, one which comes a bit below 'epic fail'
  20. So, what should we do? Ban these particular drivers or not?
  21. He set his status to no-boints because he's focussing on something else than HWBot at the moment, so no, he's not banned
  22. Do you understand the rule?
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