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Nuts and Volts

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Everything posted by Nuts and Volts

  1. Would love to see a rig pic of the setup
  2. Wait lmao is that the one I modded to 1.5v? It should be the one with +200mv offset from 1.3 stock. I remember posting the file in HWbot. Trixx 4.9.1 is what I'm using.
  3. So dam happy with the set of benchmarks. All of my personal favs. Apart from vantage, vantage takes to dam long...
  4. So far AMD cards seem to be winning, I would love to see crossfire for the comp since more motherboard support it than SLI. PCIe lanes will barely matter for bandwidth.
  5. How is this under a custom loop when you clearly have an air cooler in the photo?!?
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