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  1. Personally I liked the idea of a living benchmark, it rewarded the active benchers. But I understand why others did not like it. For the future I would propose that we clearly label the "living" nature of y-Cruncher 5B, 10B and 25B In the rules and maybe also on the submission page it should be clearly stated that if a new version gets integrated in Benchmate, the performance per clock could increase significantly, thus making it necessary to rebench if you would like to keep your place in the ranking. What is the plan for y-Cruncher 1B? Will it keep Globals? y-Cruncher 5B is also a good compromise for the global rankings, still runable on old 1C, 3C and 5C CPU´s, as you can use 4x8GB DDR3 for max performance and with DDR4 and DDR5 platforms the necessary RAM Capacity is not an issue.
  2. Could you please delete this score: https://hwbot.org/submission/5343630_aperacer_cpu_frequency_core_i3_7350k_5200_mhz/ Thank you!
  3. Can you please delete this submission, wrong Benchmark: https://hwbot.org/submission/5343642_aperacer_hwbot_x265_benchmark___1080p_core_i3_7350k_5.07_fps Thank you!
  4. Can you please delete this score: https://hwbot.org/submission/4950523_aperacer_superpi___32m_core_i5_3570_6min_57sec_86ms
  5. With PCI ID you mean the Device ID that is visible in GPU-Z? When I inserted the 512MB Card in my Rig it was installing new drivers, so something has to be different
  6. There are 2 different Versions of the NVS 310 One with 512MB of Memory: https://hwbot.org/submission/4566213_simi37_aquamark_nvs_310_129624_marks and one with 1GB of Memory: https://hwbot.org/submission/4168203_ewanstinybrain_aquamark_nvs_310_112389_marks The results are already mixed in the NVS 310 Category, but there are only max 5 results for each benchmark
  7. So now the Specs of my last card: A3 Samsung 640 600-10356-0001-152 B 900-10356-0001-152 H
  8. So, someone must be the first one: 8800GTS 640MB A3 Samsung 640 600-10356-0001-151 E 900-10356-0001-151 K A3 Samsung 640 600-10356-0001-151 F 900-10356-0001-152 G My other card will come, when I take the cooler off
  9. You have to save the screenshot as an .jpg It will get much smaller
  10. Maybe some DDR3 too, like 1156 or 1366?
  11. Will the bot stay up, or will you shut it down again to recalculate the scores faster? Is it safe to upload new scores, or should we wait?
  12. Could not the uat Server make the recalculations and once it is finished you could copy the Database? Or would that take way too long?
  13. Is there a points cutoff at some point? https://uat.hwbot.org/benchmark/pifast/rankings?hardwareTypeId=processor_1936&cores=4#start=0#interval=50 Rank 40 receives 47 points and Rank 41 only 0,1
  14. How long will the recalculation take?
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