Personally I liked the idea of a living benchmark, it rewarded the active benchers.
But I understand why others did not like it.
For the future I would propose that we clearly label the "living" nature of y-Cruncher 5B, 10B and 25B
In the rules and maybe also on the submission page it should be clearly stated that if a new version gets integrated in Benchmate, the performance per clock could increase significantly, thus making it necessary to rebench if you would like to keep your place in the ranking.
What is the plan for y-Cruncher 1B? Will it keep Globals?
y-Cruncher 5B is also a good compromise for the global rankings, still runable on old 1C, 3C and 5C CPU´s, as you can use 4x8GB DDR3 for max performance and with DDR4 and DDR5 platforms the necessary RAM Capacity is not an issue.