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Everything posted by stummerwinter

  1. :battle: Great battle with Bench Tec UK... Just want to say: keep everything "cool" and United Team of Poland, we are coming...:nana: Pleasue to figth with you...:ws:
  2. Happy birthday bwana...
  3. Funny... 2 E8400 on a P5K3 Dlx with G80 GTS: > 19 k in 3D06 without any validation http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=702946
  4. Hard to judge.. But single and dual-core CPUs are also not splitted @ Pi / wPrime / PiFast... So, single slot, single card...
  5. @jmke: I have a invitation from Friday to Sunday, free entry and some more nice things...
  6. Need to ask, if possible... Sad about cebit, but if we have a shirt, meet joe_cool and No_Name @ Mushkin...
  7. Let me check this, not shure if possible... OT: you're on cebit? I'm there from friday to sunday, hope to have a beer with you...:celebration:
  8. @Massman: if you want one, drop me a PM, which design/style and size... If you're on the cebit, you will get it... Also with AF-Logo?
  9. Today arrived... On the request from some team members we created AF-Team hwbot shirts... Front: Back: More informations on this thread: *click* Hope you like it...
  10. Here my Mods at a P5K-E, same then Dlx and Premium: But I didn't do the vPll-mod...
  11. Late, but first time here I want to wish everyone a happy new year and good competition! Escpecially to Massman, Awardfabrik- and also OCX-Team... :celebration:
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