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Everything posted by stummerwinter

  1. Please delete this result, it's done @ worng solution (1280x800 instead default): http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=892715
  2. Just to add: 6 MUSHKIN-Kits 5 ATI 4890 Just one part of the hardware for testing, reset was in No_Names hands: CFX-setup, saddly 3 cards brought same scores compared to 4: MARS single and dual setup:
  3. Strange thing, but thanx for sharing!
  4. If you add in addition the *.html-file it should not be a problem... Maybe you can host it on rapishare or something similar...
  5. From 3rd to 4th of July is a little session at Marcs new home... Here my hardware: 1 x E8600 1 x W3540 1 x i7 950 (maybe) 1 x ASUS RE 1 x ASUS P6T6 WS Revo 1 x MSI Eclipse Plus 1 x GTX295 3 x GTX280 2 x 8800 GTS 640 (have to get my 3D05 multi card back... ) Not really shure which benchmark I'm going to do, maybe 88GTS LN2 just for fun... Here the hardware from Kovsk: E86 Q820A598 2x3850 2x3870X2 P5E3 Deluxe @ Premium 4x1GB D9GTR http://www.abload.de/img/100_04389lsb.jpg http://www.abload.de/img/100_0440qxxz.jpg Other people there: joe_cool TaPaKaH monteboy fuzz3l rene19831 All hardware: CPUs: Mainboards: MemKits: Grafikkarten: Kuhlung:
  6. It doesn't look like a matter of markets, more like matter of big names... Germany is represented by Tom's Hardware, which is wrong, because benchbros are Hardwareluxx... Netherlands, Belgium and many more...
  7. You'r welcome! :celebration: When I saw it first, it was like: Question ist, how to sort scores out like these, maybe only by PP...
  8. sry, was not aware... Thanx for posting...
  9. Allready discussed @ OCX, DFI has a bug which causes these fast times, let me see, if I can find the thread... Time is way to fast... See here: Thread:http://www.ocxtreme.org/forumenus/showthread.php?t=4818 Post: http://www.ocxtreme.org/forumenus/showpost.php?p=69233&postcount=25
  10. Just to add some pics from Marc: Left, his E86 on my RE, right my GTX280 on his Classified: My living room, a lot of hardware in the racks:
  11. 100 l LN2 joe_cool: 1 x W3540 1 x E8600 2 x 4870X2 1 x GTX295 1 x EVGA Classified 1 x P5E3 Premium stummerwinter: 1 x W3540 1 x E8600 3 x GTX280 1 x ASUS R2E (R.I.P.) 1 x ASUS RE We missed to do a foto with all hardware: Marc playing 03: Me playing 3-way SLI: Frozen W3540: 3-way SLI @ Classiefied: Tired of benching: Strange things happend this time (again)... My W3540 doesn't run @ Marcs Classified, tried 3 times, but not probs on R2E... Marcs 03-scores where under LN2 10k lower compared to cascade-testing, tried two different GFX, OS and drivers... Marcs E86 can boot 650x10 into windows, but does only 6530 1M... I did only: wPrime32: 4,789 s wPrime1024: 2 min 29.760 s with 3 way SLI 3DV: P31700 (only one run done) More pics and scores will come from Marc I can say... To clearify: Marc used my RE + RAM to test his E86, I was allowed to test his EVGA @ 3-way SLI and I bought a 4870X2 from him, because he is tired of CFX (willing to show my bank account after money transfer )...
  12. But to show clearly the GFX, the sensor tab is not enough: http://hwbot.org/benchmark.application.info.do?applicationId=17#rules
  13. My third GTX 280 (a EVGA) arrvied @ Packstation (don't know english exprssion)...:banana: So maybe some Tripple-SLI-action will come... Here the hardware from Kovsk:
  14. Here my stuff, still waiting for DHL for the 3rd GTX280... But have 3 E86... Going to put my stuff together and drive to the other guys...
  15. I have to correct me, cake is from chriffers mom... We also organized a BBQ, if hardware is freaking arround we going to drink and eat... First pic: kleb:
  16. There will be a little bench party this weekend from members of AwardFabrik and a special guest from OCX: http://awardfabrik.de/forum/showthread.php?t=5867 Right now there will be: # ChriFFer # Kovsk # Kleb # Rene19821 # Stummerwinter # monteboy # joe_cool (OCX) # Zero_Cool # 200 l LN2 # a tasty cake from ChriFFers mom (pics will follow) stummerwinter: 3 x E8600 (2 x Q820A598 / 1 x Q820A845) 1 x ASUS RE 1 x EVGA 790i DPWM 2 x DDR3 with GTR-chips 1 x GTX 295 with LN2-container 3 x GTX 280 2 x CPU-container and some necessary stuff... kleb: 1x RE 2x E8600 1x E8200 1x E8500 10GB Micron D9 DDR3 1x 4870X2 1x 3850 256MB 2x CPU Pot 1x NB-Pot
  17. Strange, for me 1.55 works smooth under W7 (Built 7000), just turned of UAC with i7...
  18. Try to run as admin and/or lower user security level...
  19. Beencounters... But you are right...
  20. Is there any plans to go from 1/100 s to 1/1000 s at 1M? In times when getting under 10 s it would really make sense...
  21. It's my (our) pleasure...:ws: Hope to have one time beer with you...:celebration:
  22. If we going on with uploading score like this we will both catch ModLabs soon...
  23. Damn, big step for you... New memeber?
  24. Strike! :nana: See you on cebit!
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