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  1. What GPU (dedicated) have you attached to the mobo? And I know the 5300g has an igpu. And funny thing, look at at my picture on the previous post...it does not show the cpu voltage that I am using.
  2. It's done: https://hwbot.org/submission/4717565_mikecdm_pcmark10_express_core_i9_9900k_10072_marks
  3. It has been done. Sweet. Thanks
  4. There is a radiator on top and bottom. Simple as that. If you have any doubts, please peruse every single submission of mine, than rectify your situation to ponder
  5. @Leeghoofd, By mistake my League was changed. I have been an "enthusiast' for long and it seems I will remain in this League. I don't have the means to move up the scale. I have been using Water (Custom), and in this submission I entered the wrong data ( Water (Chilled/Cold): https://hwbot.org/submission/4622351_randyenergy_hwbot_x265_benchmark___1080p_ryzen_5_3500x_42.426_fps Your help is appreciated.
  6. screenshot cpuz cpu, mem and gpuz tab included
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