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Everything posted by Sam__

  1. wow, proper old school. Gunna have to dust off the agp setup.
  2. ok thanks.
  3. Ticket ID: 635 Priority: Low how long will it take to register me as a hardware junkie? i passed 50 cups about 12h ago.\r\nThanks\r\nSam
  4. thanks
  5. iv noticed this has happened to a few people, me included. has something changed?
  6. here ya go: http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z25/sam__07/Screenies/gpuz.jpg
  7. Ticket ID: 429 Priority: Low There doesn\'t seem to be a category for the Radeon 7000 PCI graphics card, the only option is for agp cards which isn\'t really a fair comparison. Any chance you could create the extra category?\r\nThanks\r\nSam
  8. Ticket ID: 427 Priority: Low link to gpuz screeny - http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z25/sam__07/Screenies/graphics.jpg\r\n\r\nthanks\r\nSam__
  9. hope this gets sorted soon.
  10. and even if you do get a unique number for each cpu/gpu, people sell them on, both parties should be able to bench a piece of hardware.
  11. the man has a point.
  12. ok, well would it not be worth having that option? so if you do get a result from an event you can then submit it here and choose to get no points.
  13. I had a feeling you could submit a score and tick a box saying you dont want to get points for it. If this is not already implemented what do you think of it?
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