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Posts posted by Lippokratis

  1. 10 different teams or 10 submission from different people? because if it is teams



    and why gets just the first points and the other get zero points?


    will be the "browse hardware" come back. sometime i just want to look an hole familiy of CPUs on one look or look which cpu has the most entries in a benchmark

  2. ...., a fixed 2D/3D ratio ....... . But, this is not for Rev4.0!

    not in Rev 4.0 and hopefully not in rev4.X ;-)



    feedback to the testserver

    - where can i see the validation link of a cpu-z submission?

    - on the submission page of superpi can you get back to the shema from rev3 for the time, i dont what to convert all score from 1 hour and minutes to seconds. i think []h []m[]. [] is better

    - will there be a detailed list for the team awards (team ranking for benchmarks with the best score) like it was in rev2? in rev3 it is just a list where you cannot see which user get ranked for the team or how the team score is

  3. i repeat me question. is it possible to show at the team page the real points for the ranking. at the moment i can see the global an hardware points but points total show just global points plus 300 hw points so not the points that are counting fpr the team league. and the member tab is nor working. it shows not the member list just the top5 activ members. so please fix this

  4. Im sorry to be so thick lol


    Can you explain Power Team boints a little more? Do they only apply to fastest of each benchmark, or fastest of each peice of hw per benchmark. Does it matter how many cards/cores? When and where will they be able to be viewed?


    How does this revision cut back on a team sharing value?


    good question. it would be nice to see how the Team points were calculated. not the equation - the points. the team points are so non-transparent so the team can not focus right. please make it more clear and viewabe at least for the team captains.

  5. any chance to see the points distribution for the team league? when i'm on the team page there are listed the global points and all hardware points. it would be better to see the points whichwere used to calculate the team points, especially the power team points with a little bit more information where the points come from because now it is not so easy to see like in rev3. tray to make the for the ranking counting points more and easy viewable.


    and why stands there hardware points limit 300? i dont see any limitation in your equation.


    Teams league = ∑ {powerteam (global + hardware) + [user points (global + hardware) / 4} (is the divisor now constant at 4 or will it change? on the first post it is a 10. )




    - http://uat.hwbot.org/league/oc - on the right stands "The Enthusiast League." but it is clearly the oc League

    - where is the members list? when i'm klicking on members on the team page there is no list. just the top5 scorer

  6. so far so good (more when the server is back online ;)), but


    I also removed global points from CPU-Z validation

    this is no good idea. the cpu-z global list is the only one where you can make good globals points without spending hundreds of dollar and using the newest hardware. it is nice to have such old hardware that gives you a benefit in one benchmark.


    Not giving global results to CPU-Z makes sense, though. Comparing frequency has only value if you compare it to similar hardware. 7000MHz with Gulftown is much more impressive than 7000MHz with Cedar Mill.

    if you use this as a reason, than no Benchmark can have global points, because as an exampe a GTX570 is an other architecture than a 8800gtx and to get 60k in 03 with a 8800gtx is much more impressive than with a gtx570.


    so please keep global points for cpu-z and dont make it one CPU benchmark (global) less. there are to many GPU Benchmarks compared to the CPU Benchmarks

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