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  1. Nice Score, rebenching HD5850@LN² coming soon
  2. Schöne Score Karl ich komm einfach mit PCMark nicht klar "lol" hast du immer noch iRam@Raid0? Gruß Sven
  3. @ HWBot is right if it is times sincere burn has not observed the rule, which is the charge of the I but the HWBot the score just take out should have! Since had we still insist can respond either get a different CPU or at a different benchmark again more get out can. For this reason, I find it not IO the first place will be recognized from us then. Greetings Sven
  4. Really ridiculous! Would you need to take out earlier. We had no chance to respond. Really sad, will consider then me to do something like this again! Sorry for my bad English Greatings Sven
  5. No! This is a nightmare. Why so late?
  6. THX George for the tip! Next soon@rebenching ^^
  7. Good job congrats! PCMArk05 Pro Greatings Sven ^^
  8. THX Bro IB@LN² makes it easy just fun Greatings Sven@RedCobra ^^
  9. Nice Score my friend Greatings Sven
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