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Everything posted by Dahaka

  1. Oh!, i see an ES on the Screenshot, so i suppose that you're on the PRO OC league right?...
  2. Hi. You know that's a lie but's no problem at all, i will not report this by myself, i'm just asking. Regards.
  3. Hi . Sorry but isn't this the platform from pipejarcore?, i think that's the same hardware that owns Felipe. Why are you benching this hardware if the hardware doesn't belongs to you?, is this permited and aproved by hwbot?. Regards.
  4. Aprendan a enfocar la cámara ctm! ahahahha. Que pobre la corrida de superpi .11
  5. I won't play on AM3 anymore, y already have an i7 platform
  6. Not valid dude . Edit before than i use the report button. Regards.
  7. You took a bad SS, no cpu-z, the version of superpi isn´t correct. Please fix it before i report it. Regards
  8. 50 pages, amazing. One question, what's for you the word of "TEAM" or what is the value of that word for the staff of HWBOT. It's a lot of post asking the same, how can we be so wrong
  9. This history is exactly the same history from CHW.NET: " we don't do ir for the money " " Yes, you do it " " ok, you're banned " Weeks or months later..." Hi guys, CHW.NET have been SOLD, thank you very much ". Sorry, but this is what i see and a lot of others user too, their post are the prove.
  10. Hola , donde nos vinimos a encontrar jajajaj, veo que entendiste lo que queria decir yo también, la idea que diste es hasta ahora lo mas cuerdo para poder puntuar. Anyone else share this?
  11. Self quote, can anyone respond that please?, this revision it's like " if you doesn't like, go home..."
  12. Thanks Neuromancer . I will put on contact with the most people in LATAM as possible as i can to support with good ideas to the BOT, it's a little fraction that lives from this hobbie ( work for others lucky guys ). We're to small to get access to a lot of hardware, no matter if is high end, mid end or low end so please Massman if you put us like an example, reconsider our opinion. Bench is all about TEAM, i can't be the best one if i don't get support from friends and my team, please remember that and don't forget it!!
  13. This is my opinion guys: an example: ME: hey yagami, you can't bench hd 5870 because i did with mine, so bench a 5850... " Yagami: mmm, i don't have one....and i can't bench 5770 because cesariuth did it. ME: ooohh ok, buy another one, i don't know maybe a gtx 480... Yagami: Ok, i got it, but i don't have the money to buy that one... My example goes directed to the little teams that really works like a team, i'm tooooooooo faaaaaar aaaawaaay from Concepción and Santiago ( cities of my partners and friends members of the Unknown-Team ), sending 3 o 4 times any hardware is almost de half of the value of that piece, is ridiculous ... We have members and friends from Argentina, Colombia and Venezuela...how the f*ck is possible that i share hardware with that guys....DUH!. I'm watting for the response of other ocers from Sudamerica. Regards from Chile and sorry for my bad english.
  14. EStá mal tu SS, no se ve la resolución, lee las reglas antes de subir resultados.
  15. EStá mal tu SS, no se ve la resolución, lee las reglas antes de subir resultados.
  16. Thanks for booth answers. So we have a 980x here in the team, we can submit our score with CFX i guess . Thanks Again guys and sorry DRE.
  17. like we say on Chile: " ley pareja no es dura "...is like: " cry me a river " LOL. No mods around here?
  18. Come on!!. Is CCC opened with specs on in...
  19. Tienes la VGA corriendo a 8x, ahi tan los puntitos que te faltan PD: conectate a msn en la noche y te mando los tweaks
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