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About RavenWings1369

  • Birthday June 29


  • Location
    United States

RavenWings1369's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Gratz MaddMutt , it was fun , I didn't do to bad for running against a lot of 8 cores with WC
  2. this is punch for punch with MaddMutt and Roony Sitting bk and watching this , GL to the both of you
  3. WoW that just bites MaddMutt im sry that has happened to you, if it makes you feel better I have been in 3 of these and haven't won one single one I came close but nothing ,I have been running with the big boys with 8 cores and keeping up with , and they all got WC systems ,im just wishing I will win the prize this time if not I will keep trying lol , well I hope all works out for you but , sometimes rules are rules
  4. I take all the Advice I can get good and bad to be honest with you im not given up yet guys im still pushing this , to see what I can get out of it , having to much fun now , with a little more understanding of what to do now
  5. Thanks MaddMutt That HELPED , didn't do much but it did save like 20 secs
  6. ok ty i just wanted to make sure ty for explaining that
  7. ok let see if i can explain this for example HWBot Prime scores by cores and i have a score of 6000 that a score of 1000 for each core , am i right so far so say i go into my Bios and change my cores to 2 cores and my score is 3400 thats 1700 for each core and the two cores is scoring better right so how am i suppose to summit a score with a 2 core for a 6core cpu , im lost i never did this
  8. well look at that ty Massman , again there to save me, , i had all of the Visual C++ Redistributable Packages in b4 the 2013 install , but now i have the 2013 it worked ty
  9. i hope im putting this in the right Spot cause i honetly dont know where to put this so plz help me well im having a problem with GPUPI when i go and launch it im getting an error saying GPUPI.exe - System Error its saying that MSVCP120.DLL is missing from my PC this is a clean install of my O/S also i have an AMD System with nVidia gfx card
  10. Awesome and to the Winner whom ever it is Gratzz Waiting Patiently for the drawing and the winner to be announced on the maine page
  11. has anyone heard anything , on whats gonig
  12. Lee there @ the World Tour event in France
  13. ok its over yay , so next wekk is when the drawing is gonig to be picked , is i remember correct?
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