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Everything posted by 4ng3ldust

  1. Have you tried different PCI-E Slots? Sometims it happens that the PCI-E Slots break on the Classified.
  2. I tried Rivatuner, but there are no options for 2D clocks I will try ATI Tray Tools today, maybe this will work.
  3. I was thinking about this possibilty, but i thought there should be another way
  4. Today i wanted to improve my PC Mark05 Score so i installed Windows, all drivers and programs. Startet PCMark and after it finished i was wondering about my score. I found the problem very quick. The transparant 2D test is only running at 2D clocks. With 240Mhz in that test, you can win nothing My E5200 with 8400GS can do the same score Is there any solution to keep the clocks up in this test? Thanks
  5. Please check the results of my teammate. Verification links are fixed and working. http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=705482 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=705508 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=705512 Thanks
  6. Wrong category yes and it's also obvious that the Serbian Team Benchmark does hardwaresharing
  7. Have you used the correct wprime version?
  8. I lost 75 points and tomorrow i'll be happy when they are back
  9. Now this is the second time you complain about my results. First about my G84 single results. It's impossible to get this score you said. The result was, I benched again und upped a higher score then before That's not my fault, that your card isn't as overclock friendly as mine. For such poor cards it is very important, that the graphic cards memory does high clock rates. That is the huge advantage of mine. I also wanted to add this Hybrid SLI. See this link and the answer of jmke.
  10. I thought about that already, but i was not sure if it's the right category. That I understand that right, every Hybrid SLI bench should be submitted in the category of the graphic card i use with?
  11. That's not the same, sorry. The GT has 8 ROPs and buswidth of 128bit. This is Hybrid SLI on GF8200 motherboard with GF8400 and has 4 ROPs and buswidth only 64bit.
  12. Ticket ID: 353 Priority: Low http://www.techpowerup.com/gpuz/534sk/
  13. Ticket ID: 352 Priority: Low http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=577537
  14. Ticket ID: 258 Priority: Medium http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/6843/nehalemxeon293ghz.png
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