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Eeky NoX

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Everything posted by Eeky NoX

  1. Ahah! Classic! What a child behavior... I use to take my admin keyboard sometimes (if at his lab) on our forum chat to piss off other members like a dictator
  2. Tranquille le chat! The guy says: "I still have some LN² and nothing to bench... gonna quickly use it on the FX 8350 though" Great job bro!!
  3. You claim for the WR though Sam? @DJ ===> Stay in Pro League NOW! ^^ Edit: Lol @Holger
  4. Who did report the score? Mouaahahha!!! Troublemakaz FTW!! It seems you hurt someone DJ... give him is gold cup back rofl
  5. English school Not cuz you Aussies try to copy them that you have all the same strange habbits lol
  6. Not enough FSB! Great board but hard to work with. I never reached that twice... I'd like to buy the backplate that I lost (true lol)
  7. Ça fait quoi de se faire un premier WR ma poule? ^^ Grand BRAVO Maed!!!
  8. Appologise. But when dudes talk, listen. It's your problem, ok. No need to insult anybody, you're right on that. No one is bad here, but just want the rules to be respected. Keep pushing!
  9. Lol @Maed Genie, go and scan his kernel to find the "tweak" for the community's sake
  10. Crazy how a noob can stand like this over plenty confirmed benchers lol ...don't shoot any video little boy. Just delete your profile. You don't want to hear what experienced members say? Your place isn't here with us...
  11. You're on fire baby Tricky Ivy, but you don't seem to need backup ^^
  12. All is said. Slim pots are to light for high voltage. And to go higher than 1.36v you need ABX from your MSI PR in Italy And to score something decent with the card you must be... not my teammate and me (we suxxed lol)
  13. Haha I had issues too last session. Maybe Ryba's are too slim. And you must use Gelid TIM. We were running -130°C easy. 1400mhz core with 1.45/1.5v but no score with those settings lol. Yep use better thermal paste an heavy pot
  14. Lol Kenny (no coke, no popcorn... just layin low)
  15. So true!! Hey Dino, are you tellin you tried to have sex while overcloking? oO (...I did but just when pretesting Ivys with single stage )
  16. I love to treck! Star Hiking Even though your country is a nice place for it Genie. Well to my side I explain I'm just a rock supa star... easier
  17. La vache!!!!!!!!! Tu m'excite pépette!!! Bon bah on fait le plein la semaine prochaine c'est clair!!
  18. On you? oO Grow up ya boobs before my honey Well! We should have to talk about sex tho ^^
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