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Everything posted by Vivi

  1. cool man just look at page 1 for the benchmark suggestions. It will be so boring if we have to run a 3930k specific bench agaaaaaaaaaaaain. Anyway im damn excited for haswell, lets make it rain!
  2. This score would be through the roof with some more GPU memory clock and CPU clock
  3. whaaat, ooh you are right:
  4. good idea man, one platform would be great!
  5. yea it doesn't help that these cpu's are already warmer than ivy, now they have CB too. gonna be hard to get them to high clock. at -100 that cpu is probly -80 inside :<
  6. yoh! im actually excited to run coldbugs again . no more ultra frost. then again with mem on ln2 will probly make frost anyway. But its gonna be fun to fight some CB again! now good pots and great pots can battle it out
  7. true true man, gathering benchmark data is what im doing mainly now
  8. short and sweet benchies, i like! altho im scared of max freq cpu
  9. hmm you make some very valid points there, the 780 might make up for the 100mhz lost in faster memory clock, since we've seen how important memory clock is for these new benchmarks. Maybe 780 is a viable option, thanks XA
  10. True man, i also don't like rule change. It's just really impossible to compete for some of us because titan is too crazy expensive. I feel bad for making this thread cause it will help 80% but made the other 20% like you and wizerty sad. So i would like a middle ground, like keep titan but not weight it 50%. The rules are set in stone, Titan is allowed, that i am fine with, but just make the weight little less titan dominated, like 25% cpu, 25% firestrike (titan), 50% 3dmark01 , which is 50% cpu 50% gpu, Titan or 580. but overall having a titan is better, but if you don't have one you can still have a chance. I will buy a titan if i must, but daaaaaaaamn
  11. This is my only issue on the matter, Titans create an unstable situation for a competition. Im sure vince has cooked many too, it's like allowing rocket boosters on F1 racing, so many cars will crash and it will be a messy race. Some will finish real fast but you will leave many teams wounded. really sorry to the guys who already bought because you are all my friends, maybe we keep titan but get some 3Dmark01 in the mix
  12. actually good idea yea haha! top 9 overall go and done . I would like that
  13. thanks guys this is great input .
  14. wow thast a beautiful bench! Might get us outside for a bit . 3 minutes of pain tho
  15. thanks man interesting request, physix score why not!
  16. Thanks gunslinger good answer. Ye i agree 780 would be cool too if lightnings are about
  17. Welldone to everyone who passed the qualifier! I just want to run a quick survey before MSI decide on benchmarks in the hope to make the competition more competitive but with "less" cost. We all know how fun haswel is gonna be so we can make the 2nd round really interesting. It has opened up possibilities for world records in other 3D apps than Firestrike. I'm gonna keep this thread short just to bring my point across short and sweet. Titan is really impressive, but also expensive, i won't get sponsored one (like most of us) so it will be extremely painful financially to compete , and it might die at any moment during a bench as we've seen many pro's who know what they are doing kill these cards. See'ing as it is reference card anyway its more of a Nvidia competition than MSI. We can achieve same level of world records in other benchmarks too. 3Dmark 01 / 03 /05 / AM3 06 and few others will need the same amount of skill but will be much more affordable. We don't haaaave to run the latest 3Dmark. I do like firestrike and if the titan round must happen i won't mind, i would just like to know what you guys think! So who's up for titan yes or no, this thread is for good energy only im just testing the waters . Please say "yes " or "no" To titan, and suggest 3 benchmarks you would like to see. Gunslinger - no titan: 32M Superpi , Cinebench R11.5 , FireStrike E. Vivi - no titan: 32M Superpi, 3Dmark01 , DDR3 Highest freq gnidaol - no titan: 32M Superpi, Unigine heaven, Ice Storm Physix score joe90br - no titan: 32M Superpi, Unigine Heaven , Aquamark Lucky_n00b -no titan: 32M Superpi, 3DMark01 , Firestrike P/E 780(non-reference) Redmax - no titan: Wprime 1024, FireStrike, 3Dmark 06 thebanik - no titan: 32M Superpi, 3DMark01, Unigine heaven saint19 - no titan: 32M Superpi , 3DM01/03/06, Firestrike P Gyrock- no titan: 32M Superpi, 3Dmark01, Firestrike dRweEz - no titan: 32M Superpi, 3Dmark Firestrike/11 , 3Dmark 01/03 Splave.ROM -no titan: Pifast , Max CPU, 3DMark01 newlife - no titan: 32M Superpi, 3Dmark03 , unigine heaven hero - no titan: 32M Superpi ,3dmark fs/fs extreme, r11.5/Wprime 32m driftingforlife - no titan: 32M Superpi, 32M Wprime, Firestrike E rayhow - no titan: 32M Superpi, Firestrike E, Cinebench [DRACO] - no titan: 32M Superpi, 3Dmark05/06, FIrestrike E Spyboy48 - no titan: 32m Superpi, Cinebench, Firestrike E bob(nz) - no titan: 32M Superpi, 3Dmark01, Firestrike (all haswell) laoshu1919 - yes titan: 32M Superpi /New 3dmark fs or fse!/ wprime 1.55 32M or cinebench 11.5 FtW - yes titan: 32M Superpi, valley / FireStrike E/P , Ice Storn Physix Wizerty - yes titan: 32M Superpi, Firestrike E, some CPU/GPU bench giorgioprimo - yes titan: 32M Superpi, 3DMark011, 3Dmark01 Mikecdm - yes titan: 32M Superpi, Firestrike E, Cinebench ASIA: Hazzan - dlnwj-oc - Johnny.F - Carezza - thechickendance - JJJC - EMEA: Perica_barii - ryba (PurePC.pl) - Don_Corleone - Matrix R&D - ivanov - Smoke - nedernakker - delly - Bullshooter - topdog -
  18. pff think you cool with your high tax!
  19. that is a great price... 335 USD. our country its like 410 USD. daymut!
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