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Everything posted by Vivi

  1. ryba you are allowed any brand titan..
  2. nah man its great! It gives some hardware OC'ers the chance to compete live, meet and have a great time with other Pro OC'ers. My first event i got invited by seth in my country, while i was still very noob and fresh in the game and it changed my life in overclocking for good.
  3. slamms, if someone goes that far to cheat its the same as robbing a bank, us overclockers have come a long way together and we wont do that bunnyextraction and like SAM said, the video validation is there so this doesnt happen. If your video looks like u have another ln2 setup sitting under the table (lol) with epower connected then that OC'er need some serious mental help
  4. Finish firestrike, take screenshot, pour ln2 to keep IDLE stable, grab your camera that you have setup already and press play for 10-15 seconds showing your score and the VRM area of the card. put camera down and continue benching. I also like to bench alone at night when it's nice and quiet so will test this cemera thing out and report back if its hard or not, but on paper its not a big deal
  5. I'm fine with the video cause i was planning to do it anyway. was not keen to re-bench live if my scores get questioned
  6. apparently not lol, but ye i will take a video as a precautionary measure cause i dont want to bench again if i get nice scores that look dodge (i wish )
  7. hey guys, many of you talk about a FIVR issue that some of the mobo brands have, what exactly happens when a cpu has this issue? like what is the symptoms, what happens when you run High Volt on maximus vs High Volt on gigabyte, does the CPU shut down or cant the board set the volts or what cool
  8. and you had all the info you needed in the futuremark link, now that there is a rule outside the screenshot is what makes it tricky
  9. can we stop discussing cheating so freely? Rbauss? We must fight to get the O.K on epower, not how to fake a picture
  10. haha thanks.. i and every overclocker in MOA is so confused as to what to do or think now
  11. that plan won't work guys. if the result is suspicious and you get 1800 on stock vrm they will ask you to bench live stream. and risk getting banned from future MOA's in the process. If everyone AND massman agree to doing these "mock" pictures i will wait for E-power to come in stock (if it does..) and join you
  12. Everything you posted made sense giorgio, i have always had big respects for you since i started overclocking in 2006. You're right, it should just stay as it was. Titan + epower. I hope massman can explain to MSI to keep it the same as it was. Maybe just cover the evga sticker on epower. But it sounds like this was mostly MSI's in-house decision, if their discussion was sparked by this thread i'm damn sorry that they came to this strange conclusion and new rule I understand your frustration. I hope it turns out to be in your favor so we can both have a beer in taipei (if i make it).
  13. If a rule change must happen, i think MSI should have the competitors who made it to semi's vote first. because we worked hard to get here
  14. come on riska i have tested enough CPU on ln2 to know that your 5.8 dice cinebench cpu is a gem! SHow us some ln2
  15. nono i bought evbot and pre-ordered epower, i was amped. no problems with epower
  16. lol kk cyclone. yea sorry im just getting all tensed up about this round, feel little like an ass
  17. ok ok. This thread was to gather opinions from overclockers on how they felt about 1k$ cards, if the blame is to be mine that epowers got banned which is never anything any of us wanted then i dont know what im suppose to say about that. i also bought epowers and evbot.
  18. argh but it helps so much if it is run high, i'll try different combinations maybe i was wrong
  19. XA you are misunderstanding, the point of the video isn't to show ln2 smoke and unclear footage. The whole point of it is to show that you are following the rules and have the score on the screen or the clocks on the screen. ITs a verification video, not a hey look at my system but you cant see anything video. IF someone goes through the trouble of "faking" a score by running a default titan and clock it to 1700 for the video then dayum they deserve to go for all that trouble @ giorgrio, sorry bro this thread wasn't to create this madness. Titan was allowed, and epower, im totally happy with that. This new problem was not my fault, i apologize if any of this was actually my fault @XA, i just want a fair fight, sorry if i sound rude, im gonna extract myself from this thread and just read and post light comments
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