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  1. The ranking has not been updated for two weeks or more. Only I have this problem or is it all? best regards lunatic
  2. So I hope my last screenings are ok now. Leeghoofd, can u explain me, wich HWinfo information you need?
  3. Servus and hello, only has to upload the graphic result here? LG lunatic
  4. I think, only with advance edition?
  5. Hi What is the problem when the benchmarks start and then close again after two three seconds? Also no launch possible. I have this problem with each benchmate version, but only by running Pentium Sockel 1150 , for examble G3220 . regards
  6. The report is now uploaded. Thank you for support.
  7. Hi I have some problems to validate the 3Dmarks. What is wrong? regards
  8. Hi, geek3 and geek4 are not more supported?
  9. Hi, where is the ****.hwbot file in the result folder ?
  10. Ticket ID: 210 Priority: Medium pleace add \"AMD Athlon X2 QL-62\" (Griffin)\r\n\r\nLaptop CPU @2000Mhz\r\n\r\nhttp://img2.abload.de/img/x2ql-62srwx.png
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