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About Lochekey

  • Birthday 01/22/1987


  • Location
    United States


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Newbie (1/14)



  1. depending what you need I might have some equipment lying around, or are you looking for help at the event to keep the ln2 flowing? either way I am willing to do what I can.
  2. Congrats to team Australia. Wish I could have helped the US out more this year but just did not have the right hardware except for my 7970's which unfortunately got burned out trying to push for a good score on stage 4.
  3. Hey Filmbot, ill pm you my contact info. I am coming in Thursday afternoon and staying until sunday. If you want to hook up with me when you get there I can add an extra person to my room at that time in case you end up not making it until Friday.
  4. Just found out that my wife has decided not to come so if anyone needs to crash in a room they are welcome to use my room as long as they don't mind sharing with me and my brother.
  5. I think I can rustle up an extra monitor. Nothing fancy but should get the job done. Can probably find a mouse/keyboard as well.
  6. I'll be bringing a few extension cords. My wife has not decided if she is coming out not yet. If she doesn't, I will be more than happy to let people crash in my room. Peobably will not have a definitive answer until closer to though.
  7. If anyone coming to the party has a gpu pot they are looking to part with let me know. If we can work a deal out ahead of time I figure we can save on Shipping costs by making the exchange at the party.
  8. Just booked my room for me and my brother. If anyone else is planning on driving in they are currently offering a package deal online that includes parking and a $50 food credit daily. I was able to call and get that package price($234/night) and still stay in the party block of rooms. I figure it is a good deal as the rooms are $169 + daily parking $49 + $50 food = $268 so I am saving about $34 per day.
  9. Just got my vacation approval from work so it looks like I'm in. My brother will be stopping in for the event as well I think to watch/learn. I will confirm once I have a room booked.
  10. I completely understand Funsoul , thanks again for the effort on your part. @Jiccman, I have extra peripherals so if you let me know what you need I am sure I can cover you. Mouse, keyboard, monitor, etc. Let me know.
  11. So is this definitely a go for the 14th-16th in Philly now? I need to put in for vacation time and want to get the dates correct.
  12. I should be in for Harrisburg just have to confirm with work. I wonder if microcenter would let us set up right in the store. Last time I was there they had a lot of dead space on the one side of the store. It would definitely draw a crowd for them.
  13. I can scrounge up a few monitors too bring along, nothing fancy but they work. If we have a good count of what is necessary I will appreciate it so I am not overpacking.
  14. Great to see this score up for the cup. Thanks again for letting me help.
  15. Live streams are up for those that are interested. https://www.twitch.tv/overclockingtv https://www.twitch.tv/octv_x
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