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Everything posted by Steven86

  1. I'm a Queen fan, not ashamed about that and i recently bought the cd Live at Wembley.... If you want a cd that gives you a weird feeling when hearing those songs this is it. It's clearly that this is one of the greatest artists ever... Incredible how the publics sings the whole song alllong...
  2. ballistic PC6400 guaranteed D9 on it's way http://www.compumsa.be/ great shop!
  3. Lol somehow i find this one cool
  4. hard to get it seems...
  5. workspace is pretty important when benching i like it "clean" never enough space that's for sure
  6. you mean the "schimmel kleur"
  7. What is now considered to be the best bang for the buck people?(DDR2) thx!
  8. Lol i started around teh ends of AXP3200+ and beginning A64.. 2003?/2004? something like that, in other words i can't paste a date on it
  9. pics from the eighties?
  10. who said that changed always be shy
  11. rofl are you sure youre on teh right forum? You sound a bit to xtreme to me ^^ nah, as stated tomorow i will have my plans go to the machinist togheter with a chunk of copper
  12. lol that would rippoff the gpu out of its slott
  13. When i have my cherrypicked cpu and when Fatt Jacklyn rev 1.0 is done ( wich is a gpu container )
  14. oh my bad! srry! wil fix asap my son, that's a cpu container
  15. Fatt Jack Rev 1.0 base finished Internals, those steppers were a pain in the ass for the machinist lol
  16. Yeah that's the problem here as well We can all have good ideas, but who will be able to implent it? who is willing to put his free time on this Kunaak would be a good guy as well for putting input on this.. If i'm not mistaken he had a great solution as well. But since i'm banned at xs, i cannot ask. Might give that a shot as well.
  17. LOL
  18. How about an orb for superpi? And the ability to safe and upload a file as a package with al needed info to verify it. But we have to agree about 1 thing before taking any actions my friend, yes you can make it a few % safer, but no , it won't garantee a 100% legit run. lol brainstorming i like it (Buttertoast admitted himself and i respect him for that, at least he was being honest )
  19. yeah he shoudl be on the list for sure
  20. There is a hall of fame. Why not add an extra hall for legends? People that were on nr1 for several months, or with a good average. So that after few years you can still look and say : man that "****" was indeed one hell of a bencher...
  21. Lol yeah it needs indeed special cooling for the machining, petrol i believe If everything went according to plan, i can pick it up today
  22. It checks if your internal windows clock is running ok, with a windows speedchanger program you will let you system virtual run at other speeds. 4ghz-->4.5ghz...3Dmark03/05/06/arc03 are all vulnerable, 01 not. 01 let you do your thing, but when the bench is over it gives an insanity timer error. This could work for superpi as well...however there are more hacking tricks to manipulate cpu'z/superpi. So you would not solve the problem for 100% But implenting this? yeah for sure! Buttertoast = tapakah = a cheater that admitted it, he can help you giving false tweaks that should prevent cheating in the future.
  23. indeed it rapes the fora somewhat dryice/ln2 purpose yes. that chunk weights roughly 5kg heights are 110mm(11cm) 80mm dia (8cm)
  24. This piece will be finished tomorow! My next project in order to get decent cooling is GPU container, w'ill be asking price tomorrow for the machinery when i'm picking up this toy Don't be misleaded, this wil only be the base like my previous container, only ..erhm bigger link Material cost saving
  25. indeed lol this one LOL
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