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  1. Might be easier to go left to right if soldering? You got to be precise. Need magnification. Will practice on card board first. Also wonder why on Apex its not necessary to block out pads like your suppose to do with Asus boards?
  2. Like this: Saw this on a techpowerup thread: https://www.techpowerup.com/forums/threads/adventure-running-8-9th-gen-coffee-lake-cpus-on-z170-motherboard-asus-maximus-viii-ranger.284375/
  3. Did a lot of reading regarding those solder mods you have to make and if I understand you need two pairs of pinsconnected either with direct solder and another with wire. Its something maybe one day I'll try but I already have Dsanke's latest 2603 bios version installed. Desire to be able to run Windows 11 without roadblocks from microsoft. Thats why if the 9350K doesn't need mods I'll go with it but fact it only has 4 threads makes me take a moment to think about it... Thanks
  4. Can someone repost photos on first post describing and showing the solder job on the nuvatron gnd resistors. Its no longer there. Thanks.
  5. So an 8700K wouldn't work without modifications to the pin pads? What about a i3 9350K. Was told those require no modifications. Thanks
  6. Hi, Was wondering what cpu's do not require soldering or pin pad mods to work with this bios? On ver 2603. Don't want to risk damaging the board or cpu. Thanks.
  7. I'm on I think an older Dsanke mod for my Apex IX. To upgrade to the resizebar supported bios can I use fptw64 (flash programming tool) to flash it? All my FD descrptors are unlocked. Thanks
  8. Think you need to do a pin mod. Go to Win-Raid for help. I myself used a bios usb flash device.
  9. Wonder if Asus will ever update bios to support SAM or Clever Access Memory feature to allow contiguous access to video card memory as one block. Was just reading about it on techpowerup. Averaged a 5-10 percent performance boost. Should be possible in every Intel processor since Haswell. We got to have this.
  10. Hey guys, Read on Win-Raid theres some sort of an NVME compatibility issue going on with certain processors. Anyone know any thing about this? Thanks
  11. What about adaptive mode? What bios version build are you using? Thanks
  12. I also have Apex IX + 9700K. Wonder how are your vid voltages and luck with over clicking?
  13. Just updated the microcode on the Apex IX Dsanke 2301 rom for 906-EC to version D6 from version CA. Sorry I only updated one microcode for my 9700K but I think it should work on the 9900K as well. Also may have removed the Asus Bios-Lock. Just flashed and can confirm its a working rom: http://www.mediafire.com/file/0ydhw2ruesg7y6q/ROG-MAXIMUS-IX-APEX-ASUS-2301-D6-Unlock.7z/file
  14. So just updated to 2301 Dsanke bios from one of his older releases. Wasn’t sure how but Dsanke helped me out and pointed me in right direction. Basically all you got to do is use Fptw64 to just flash the bios region. Didn’t need flashback or anything complicated. First had to unlock the Asus bios lock using an Efi shell. Full instructions can be found here: https://www.win-raid.com/t3908f16-GUIDE-Grub-Fix-Intel-FPT-Error-or-BIOS-Lock-Asus-Other-Mod-BIOS-Flash.html. Also to save you time the bios lock is located at 0x939. Hopefully next release will have bios lock unlocked.
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