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Crucial Ballistix DDR2 1066 16FD5 (2x1G sticks)

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For old-school overclocking experiment I need 2x1G Crucial Ballistix DDR2 sticks, however they have to be the better bins (hence 1066) and double sided with good chips (hence 16FD5).


I have no interest in the new ones, w/o the clips on heatspreader.

(oldest ones = big, standard clips, great; old ones = small sized clips, good; new ones = no clip = worthless rubbish)


I also have no interest with the modern single sided chips (8F5, etc.), as they are simply rubbish: http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/forum/249869-30-crucial-ballistix-defective

We've simply stopped making the 16-chip modules. It is no longer cost effective.

Well I am extremely disaspointed that a different product would get marketed as the same product.


The aim is to be able run them at low voltage (2.1V, possibly even lower 2.05V) and around 300MHz with 3-2-2-8 1T timings, like they managed up to 340MHz there in review:





And I was told, that the only chance is to use rams with Micron D9Gxx chips, as most can do 400 MHz 3-3-3-9 (on P45, Auto subtimings).


Other (tested) ways to reach same goal are accepted too, but not until a proof od the concept is shown.


I should have some D9G Kits left, and also one 16FD5. Other kits are not interessting? OCZ Reaper, Mushkin, GSKill GBHZ, Tracer, Cellshock... I can test and send you more information in August.


And is the 16FD5 kit with the clips? I would be gladly waiting to know, what are the results. But you probably cannot beat the Crucial Ballistix DDR2 1066 16FD5 kit with anything else, when come to low latency/low voltage cases. Witch is why I want it. You even have the Cellshocks... that is cool. Don_Dan said that you had quite a collection, before you starting selling :)

IIRC the Micron D9G chips are rated by Micron to 1.8V and max the board support is 2.05V, witch is somewhat low.


I seen some other kits offering a very tight timings, but mostly they need the "juice" to keep them. I did not going very high (at last not with the old S775 CPU's, might be different with more recent ones, depending on the dividers the VIA PT880 Pro chipset offer) with clocks, but 3-3-3-10 G.Skill rams with PSC chips aren't really show anything over DDR1 rams at 3-3-2-8 ...


In the end, it looks like there will be a comparsion between TCCD - as the only DDR1 sticks, that at 5x512MB offer a tight timings in up to 2.73V - (DDR1, 2-2-2-5 - 5:6) and D9G (DDR2, 3-2-2-8 at higher clock, because 5:8): http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=139107

That is how these will be used. Interesed? :)


Sorry i am on vaccation right know, can tell you more Details when i am back ;). I should also have a Adata DDR1 500 Kit which might have TCCD Chips if you are interessted...


Ok i used a Asrock Dual Sata 2 and the best working Ram were Cellshocks, Tracers only caused problems. I do not know how it looks with your Board and Bios... just my two cents :D


Well, this project is not into any hurry - getting the components to recap will take weeks, if not months...

Yep, TCCD kit is wellcome too :)

As for the ASRock DDR2 rams compatibility, there is an bios option, that should allow more compatibility, but I fear that it hurt speed. Also you can read there ( http://forum.hwbot.org/showpost.php?p=396986&postcount=6 ), how it take to get a G.Skill DDR2 800 (F2-6400CL4D-2GBPK) kit (2x1G) to work at 3-3-3-10 latencies (rated 4-4-4-12, but at 400MHz).

So I'm ready for some troubles :) On the other hand, did I say anything about wanting Tracers? :) I said Crucial Ballistix DDR2 1066 16FD5 kit :D


Oh, okay. However your experience with ASRock 939Dual-SATA2 is hardly relavant to ASRock 775Dual-VSTA. The 939Dual-SATA2 use ULI northbridge and IMC in the AMD socket 939 CPU:



While 775Dual-VSTA use VIA PT880 Pro in northbridge as memory controller:


...witch is completely different thing... errr, chip.


So I'm not dismissing your clam, that Cellshocks might be the best bet there at all. I just sayng, that based on experience with entierly different board it does not look valid for me. However it is true, that I cannot yet find a user with ASRock 775Dual-VSTA _and_ Crucial Ballistic rams in it.


But IIRC Cellshocks have also the Micron D9G chips, so they should be similar in performance as these Crucials with Micron D9G chips.


So it depends, witch of these rams could get tighter timings at crappy 2.05V, witch is the maximum voltage w/o modding the board provice. Or, more precisely, how far 3-2-2-8 timings they can run stable. That is the key, since higher clock rating come with the nasty forced 2T timings, so...

  • 2 weeks later...

Oh, well, then there is a slight advantage ;) So again, the question is, how far 3-2-2-8 timings go at just 2.05V for Crucial Ballistix 1066 16FD5 and/or Cellshocks. Don_Dan think, that the Crucials will be more versatile option...


And when you are at it, pls take a look for the DDR1 TCCD 2x512MB sticks. There is request to complare the ASRock 775Dual-VSTA with TCCD vs D9Gxx :)

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

So the Rams are the new ones without the clips, but perform quiet well... (391 mhz at 3 2 2 8, CR is 1T in Bios). I found the Adata DDR1 500, but i am not sure if they are TCCD or Hynix Chips on it...


Still interested?

Edited by Jazzman@

Oh, that is unfortunate, as I get warned against these rams a lot :( Yours looks good (is that 391.8MHz? I would say 392 then :) ), I see you set the maximum voltage to 2.05V as need, if my eyes are correct) even the screenshot is somewhat squished near or under the readability.


So I quess I ask if someone with respected memory knowledge. As for the DDR1 AData... maybe is possible to narrow that down with some SPD info or typenumber of these rams? There are not much other chips that can do 2-2-2-5 at low voltages around 2.6V or so these timings. Winbong legendardy BH-5 can, but 2.7V+++ most better bins of BH-6 can do that too (again 2.7V+++), but never on 2.5V, IIRC.


Maybe we can come up with something to see what they can do and that determine the chips?


I can reupload the screen, it was too big so the forum did not allow me to upload it...seems i reduced the size too much :P


Yes it is 391,8. It did 380 with 2,00V so... :D. I can try to look under the Heatspreader of the Adatas...


That kit is really not used much and this was probably just the second time that i tried the oc it. They might be not as good as the old ones, but performs well ;).


You probably should go with jpeg to preserve the size, png is oversized :) And I it seems that with just a little bit of voltage it will scale well ;) If it is a 16FD5 one, then it is not the single sided crap and therefore it might perform well - dunno why it does not have the clips.


There is no production number or any SPD information on the AData sticks? Looking under heatspreader sounds a bit too harsh, IMHO it will be much easier to check what their limits are to determine the chips type.

Posted (edited)

Thats all that stands on them:


DDR 500(3) 512 MB+16

SN: 435XR(HYBJC1916)


Sorry but i do not have the Exquipment (and time) to test them right know. The DDR2 system was still up and running so i could do it ;). So i would let them go for cheap...

Edited by Jazzman@
Posted (edited)

Damn xxbassplayerxx is tempting me with the Crucial Ballistix 16FD5 with clips:


(but it is unclear, if he have one or two of these Crucial Ballistix with the smaller clips)


...but you tested them out (on what board, BTW? :) ), and they perform IMHO quite well, so I take them with the AData. Thanks for the S/N informations. Even that I was told, that "If it's the DDR-566 kit the chance for TCCD are quite good." This is a DDR 500, so the chance is lower and when you cannot test, then it is up to me. The will be probably worth something, even if they are "just Hynix." I believe that you keep them for reason :)


What will be the price then? ;)

Edited by trodas
Posted (edited)

Sorry for the late reply, i had a lot of work on me :(


Both Kits für 30Euro; + shipping so should be around 40Euro; incl. shipping


I could also sell you some Crucial anniversary or Team groupe dark, but i did not test them because you were especially looking for 16FD5. Even if they are just hynix they should perform a bit and will probably not need as much voltage as TCCD would...


Tested on a Gigagbyte P45 UD3P

Edited by Jazzman@

Okay, I take that. And noproblemo, it is not need to be very fast, I having hard time with other computer challenges as of right now, so... Not to worry.

Hit me with PM with the PayPal address of yours :) And yep, I take a look at more of your offerings soon :) Yet for the ASRock 775Dual-VSTA I need the 16FD5, these should work best there, according to Don_Dan :)


...but can the Hynix chips handle the same low latency timings, as TCCD chips?


Testbench Gigagbyte P45 UD3P - noted, thanks a lot for your efforts!

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Rams from Jazzman recieved today, thanks, mate! The Crucial Ballistix are like new, perfect condition :) We see, how they will perform soon (no PSU to run any mainboard right now :( )


Thank you. I will test the AData soon too, we see if Hynix or TCCD Samsung are there, likely Hymix.


So for the rest, I recommend Jazzman as seller ;)




After removing of the sticky stuff:



Hard to find some more beautifull rams :)


...also is worth noting that they come with their original packages with s/n and everything... definitively a item from and for collector, so I will go on them gently, as my board cannot give out more that 2.05V anyway, heh :)


Now it is a time for small testing :)

Edited by trodas
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