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Guys, for some experimental attempt I'm looking out for VGA bios for some nVidia RIVA TNT2 cards, at best the Vanta LT is preffered:




...do anyone have it and can upload it on for example http://www.mediafire.com or http://dfiles.eu or anywhere (include to reply as attachment)?


I need to compare to try lower the GPU clock in the bios ;)


Anyone can help? And no... TechPowerUp bioses database did not have anything on TNT2 Vanta cards... They store bioses since FX 6200 cards and not go deeper in history: http://www.techpowerup.com/vgabios/


That idea imply different clock settings between all-in-all same bioses... and I very much doubt that they are same.


1) Vanta LT bios is 32 768 bytes long. All other TNT2 bioses are 43 008 bytes and up.


2) Checked differences betwen TnT² Vanta bios v2. with Brooktree TV out and the one w/o TV out (third and second from down the table) and the differences are HUGE. There are at end complete blocks that does differ... And there are few small differences everywhere around. I bet that better chance I got to find the downclock limit for GPU... that this.

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