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[FS] A few 7700K's...


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Up for sale 3 recent findings.,


#1 Proven scale batch L639F977,does 5000/4500 cb R15 on Asus Apex LLC 1.220 set on 25 ambient regular water cooling . NOT DELIDDED , briefly tested 5 mins. Not in the mood of benching anything atm,considering retiring so will let it go and someone might have some real fun with it.


#2 and #3 5 ghz 1.245 in same conditions as #1,not delidded.


All cpu come tray,they are seen as box on Intel warranty so it should be no issues.




#1 455E

#2***3 305E per piece


Prices INCLUDE SHIPPING IN EUROPE,for other continents please ask.Payment via paypal,buyer takes care of fees. I did not bother taking screenshot but i do give my word for what i wrote,easily to reproduce anyday since ambient was 25+ and no delid or special conditions were used.



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