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As opening line I'd state the following;


Yes, I am fully aware that multi account is not allowed.

But I think this should be changed, while taking some conditions into consideration.... It should NOT benefit team league so;


Rule suggestion;

1) Up to 3 accounts

2) MAX 1 account member of a team

3) No HW sharing on the accounts (impossible to control, its all about trust^^)


Rule 3 might be too pink-cloud, and not worth the hassle.


The reason for my point of view is that given hardware, given by vendors, could thereby be used in professional league - LN2 bench session in xtreme OC, and enthuciast in its own league.


- I enjoy doing LN2 bench, unfortunately it sets me back 200 Euro, 250 USD+ for every session, which means I have not considered it worth doing since 2010, Gulftown era... However, I still belong in a league of which watercooling does not stand a chance, and I sure wont use LN2 untill it is a smaller part of the budget :)


The skewed competition also means that one tries less to be competitive, and does not bother benching hwbot, therefor I believe that allowing multi account, will boost the competition especially in enthuciast league.


I do not have the perfect solution, this is just an attempt of opening a debate, my 2 cents, hope its food for thoughts.

OK; so one account pr league?


Yep, but only 1 account is allowed to contribute to team points, that way it wont mean 2x the work for the teamplayers.

Think it would add more excitement to the benching when not having exotic cooling at hands.... :-)

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