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  1. Ticket ID: 762 Priority: Low How come alot of the threads started do not have a first post? Some are even missing the first 2.\r\nAre you keeping them a secret or something.
  2. pointhore


    I guess the switch didn't go as smooth as they were hoping
  3. It looks like Nature was never run due to hardware limitations. Check the screenshot. No Nature = no good.
  4. This is a 2.8 in a 2.4b category. http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=750303 Please move to the correct category
  5. It's not a mobile CPU, but it is in the wrong category. It should be in the MP 2600+ TB category here http://www.hwbot.org/quickSearch.do?hardwareId=CPU_1133
  6. I'm glad the report tool works now, but what do we do about a result that has been checked by a moderator and cannot be reported. The main thread for reporting things like this has been "Closed" This one is in the wrong category. It is a mobile processor. Look at the screenshot. http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=635793 Please move it to the correct category. Thanks
  7. I didn't know that. Thanks. :celebration:
  8. At one time the following were able to be verfied on the Wprime website. http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=616055 http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=612977 http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=612352 http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=603271 The software available to us had some bugs in it at that time giving the Invalid checksum response. Of course we can't check them now since the Wprime database can no longer be accessed. You can block these if you want, it's up to you. P.S. Some of these were already blocked and then reinstated by Massman.
  9. I see Sweet is taking care of the invalid/wrong version of Wprime results. You might as well add these to the list. http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=689912 1.58 http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=690707 1.58 Both are wrong version. :nana:
  10. Anything yet?
  11. Any moderators have an answer for me on this? http://www.hwbot.org/forum/showpost.php?p=15088&postcount=936
  12. I just read over at Bleedinedge that a couple of my benchmarks have been deleted by one of the moderators here. http://www.bleedinedge.com/forum/showpost.php?p=248016&postcount=1 If I understand correctly, they were deleted because of an Invalid checksum. I can't check because they were deleted. Is this the reason why?
  13. Sorry, my Mistake. It's been fixed.
  14. Can you guys take a look at the X1300 256 category. http://www.hwbot.org/quickSearch.do?hardwareId=GPU_428 There are alot of cards with 400+ clocks on the memory. 200 is stock for memory (DDR1) and I am pretty sure DDR1 won't clock that high. Here are a few that need more proof. http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=648765 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=565788 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=622510 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=571376 Can't see resolution http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=635879 No Link or image http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=569909 these two are definately questionable http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=569910
  15. No Screenshot or verification link http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=637186
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