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  1. This score is valid only if Dino trained the tRFC for 1000 times hahahaha
  2. There's no GTL for X470 and the one from X370 doesn't work. If there will be one I will post it here.
  3. By wrong you mean the versions that are posted here by HWBOT or another version? http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=172575 http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=173212
  4. Wow can't ban yourself I guess hahaha
  5. Oh yeah where is he? hahah
  6. Revision 7 will fix all the problems hahahaha NOT!
  7. They all have their prizes. You like Allen on the first competition you will receive them later because there's a shortage on the VGAs because of mining. I will ship it when I will receive it.
  8. Sure, this Thursday it is! Need one blowing cold air stronger than this one hahah
  9. Use this efiflash. https://www.dropbox.com/s/t88rjmrb7r6a6ag/Efiflash.rar?dl=0 The command is "efiflash BIOS.bin \NoId Keep "BIOS" name below 8 characters.
  10. This BIOS fixes the issue for Gaming 5. https://www.dropbox.com/s/9jqzidiv00ba9o2/AX370Gaming5.rar?dl=0
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