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Everything posted by Dentlord

  1. Needs 1.3v to run 1000 core on air, which is much worse than my asus (1.21v) but ok, its air right? So on ln2 it will run 1200 with 1.3v, seems to like -120c, ok looking better, but there is a hard wall @ 1300. Takes 1.5v to run 1300 core, and that is hit and miss. More voltage does not help all the way to 1.6v. Past 1300 is impossible. Now I know 1300 is a good core speed, but not for these cards, and not on ln2. my reference card would do 1320 on dice. (PS I know the voltage control works because I had a DMM on the vgpu read point while testing and it actually overvolts a bit and very stable)
  2. I might give the bios a try before I send it back, but I already have voltage control it just clocks like crap (for what it is marketed to be at least), even on ln2. Mucho thanks for posting this for us though Massman
  3. Wow Rom, incredible, great work here!!!
  4. Thanks supa! Cant wait to see the action bring it on step Theesa cheep she lova da dice!
  5. I was 20 points shy of gold and no more dice, so I made one last run hoping I had enough in the pot to get through, and I did
  6. Thanks, I tried sooo hard to hit 40k and never got there lol
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